Gooooooooooooooooooood Morning

Miss Mary
on 8/18/09 8:55 pm - Huntsville, AL
Isn't it a wonderful day.Isn't God good today(and everyday)
What are your plans today. Me same old same old. I love getting into a rut and staying there. I've got to go to the office at the primary school and the high school turning in little boys. The first this year. Then I will get the same tune played"Boys, will be boys"
Lets get out there today and hussle. Lets walk a little extra, maybe drink a little extra fluid, or get in a couple grams protein extra. Every little bit helps. Today I am going to accomplish two things. I'm going to fix a calender so I'll know where I'm suspose to be at a glance and I'm going to empty all the change out of my purse. Both major accomplishments. I can also do both while I'm on the job. The last time I emptyed change I had over $25 dollars. It feels about that heavy again. Does toting my purse around classify as weight lifting? Everybody have a wonderful day. Love, Miss Mary
on 8/18/09 8:59 pm - Chiloquin , OR
 Good morning!!! It would be nice to lift weights by carrying a purse!!! As if mine wasn't heavy enough, I now have a mini laptop that fits just right!!! Just what I extra few pounds to carry around...LOL.

Have a beautiful you!!
glitter -

happy girl
on 8/18/09 9:00 pm - Pensacola, FL
 WOW!  $25 in change is alot of change Aunt Mary! 

You have a wonderful day as well - I know I will as I spend the last day with Tiffany, Brittney and Dalton.  I know I have gained 10# while they've been here from all of the sugar I have gotten from Dalton! 


Miss Mary
on 8/19/09 7:19 am - Huntsville, AL
That kind of sugar doesn't have any calories or there would not be a thin Grandma in the whole world. Love, Miss Mary
Miss Mary
on 8/19/09 11:42 am - Huntsville, AL
Finally got my purse emptyed. $28.56, Should be a lot lighter tomorrow. Love, Miss Mary
Carmen G.
on 8/18/09 10:20 pm - Lincoln, AL
Good morning Miss Mary!!!!  He is AWESOME!!!!  Well, really there is no adjective to describe Him.  I am just so thankful that He loves me.  You have an awesome day today.  I love ya!!!
on 8/18/09 10:34 pm - Albertville, AL
Good morning.  I am in a rut to and I don't mind a bit right now.  My day will be pretty much measure-eat-measure protein, carbs, fat--drink and walk.  It's all good though.

Have a blessed day.
Volfan-in-Alabama ( HW/SW/CW/GW  448/439/244.8/225)
"It's never too late to be who you might have been." ~George Eliot
    oh_c_cardL1-1.gif image by volfaninalabama  Please visit
on 8/18/09 11:51 pm - Russellville, AL
Yes Miss Mary,The Lord is Great...amen

Good morning,I do consider caring a purse around as weight lifting.I carry a lot of things in mine,just in case,you never know when you might need it..The most important part is I keep a record of all my meds,doctors,their phone numbers,and surgeries Ive had up to date.If any thing happens to me then I will have what ever they need to know.You know when you go to a new doctor,you have to fill all that info in,well i just attach my form and bingo they have all of it in seconds.Besides I cant remember all the things I take or have had.

Save your change,it will come in handy on that big boat..

Hugs to you,Juju
Randall Culpepper
on 8/19/09 2:14 am - Guntersville, AL
Morning Aunt Mary!  I'm enjoying this Caramel Cream coffee you gave me.  It sure is good!   I am going the extra mile.  I've gotten myself and ablounger like Mimi's and I got up to 50 crunches yesterday!!  WOO HOO for me!  LOL  Love ya!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

Janice B.
on 8/19/09 8:40 am - Misawa-chi, Japan

Hi Miss Mary,

How'd turning the boys in go?

You know, your thoughts about getting out and accomplishing things that will help us was right where my head has been at all day.  I drank extra water and decided that I must make a schedule of when to eat and drink.  My job is so boring right now that I drink almost right up to eating and vice versa.  Not overdoing either, but not giving my stomach a break.

Do tell us how much you found at the bottom of that purse!

Life is too short to eat vanilla ice cream and dance with boring men.

HW: 305/SW: 289/CW: 129

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