Have questions re: vitamins
Greetings from she who just moved here from usually overcast Ohio ....
... where Vit D levels are usually in the basement for EVERYONE. The nutritionist told me it is normal for those levels to be low in the winter into spring. Sunshine helps with Vit D levels, but taking some is important to the absorption of calcium too.
I take a boatload of vitamins and what not between Vitamins C & D as well as a megamultivitamin, mega dose of iron (seriously .. a daily requirement is around 50 mg and I take over 300 mg), magnesium and Calcium .. this is in addition to the prescription medicines I have for stomach issues and a family hereditary condition. Feels like a lot, but it beats the stew out of 8 meds a day.
If you are really concerned, call or just talk to the nutritionist or doctor when you have an appointment. They have a vested interest in making sure you continue to do well.
Take the Calcium with D ( CITRACAL )PLUS D and you should be ok ,, My labs are great in that area and my Doc said those are the ones to take along with a Mulit ,B-12 sublinguel , vit D , magnisum everyday. I cant do the iron that is also needed so I have to do iron infusions every few months by IV.