What's for DINNER???

Elle Felts
on 1/5/09 7:38 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
I've got on a heaping pot of steaming hot chili and cornbread.  Mmmmm....smells so good!  Kyle will be in from work soon and man, will he be happy.

I know Gwen......I know.....don't you even say it! 

What are ya'll having for dinner tonight???
Nicole M.
on 1/5/09 8:05 am - Auburn, AL
We are having cubed steak, green beans and au gratin potatoes. Your chili sounds soooo good! How are you these days...I haven't been around lately and miss everyone!

Nicole....WAR EAGLE!!





Elle Felts
on 1/5/09 8:08 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
We're doing okay I guess.  Just taking life one day at a time.  Back to the old grinding stone called work.  At least I have a job, happy and 1/2 way heathy among other things.  How are you and your family?  Have you talked to Lindy lately?  Just wondering how she's doing???
on 1/5/09 8:10 am - Chatom, AL
Cubed steak, rice and gravy,left over turnips from the Deli and corn bread.
  ladybugline.gif picture by firefly58
Elle Felts
on 1/5/09 8:16 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Looks like it's a cubed steak night. :)  Sounds yummy.  How's the wedding coming along.  When did Scott and Lisa get engaged.    Where will they live?
on 1/5/09 8:51 am - Chatom, AL
I am really getting excited about what we are doing for the reception.  I am not stressed and that is so strange to me.  I hope I stay that way.  I am doing Alabama because Scott is such a fan.  They got engaged late summer.  I did not think they would have a big wedding because Scott has been married before but Lisa has never been married.  I am glad they can have this wedding.  Thank you for asking.
  ladybugline.gif picture by firefly58
on 1/5/09 8:27 am - Alabaster, AL
Chicken Fajitas! But tomorrow night will be Beer Cheese Soup.  DH makes the best!




 Afterism (n) - A concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late.

Elle Felts
on 1/5/09 8:30 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL

Sounds GREAT!  Yummy!  Haven't seen you here in awhile.  How are you?  and the girls?  How was your holidays????

on 1/5/09 8:55 am - Alabaster, AL
This is the first day I have been home all day. I started our school back today.  My sweet little grandmother is still hanging in there despite her pre-Christmas stroke.  The girls and I visit her every other day to make sure she is eating and getting some one on one attention.

Christmas was very nice. The girls got American Girl dolls and dress up clothes.  The big one got a Nintendo DS and the little one got a big wheel. I got a steam cleaner and DH got his "man chair" to go in his "man cave" that we are building in the back. Although this rain is delaying that project for a while.

How is sweet little Christian?  I remember those sweet little chubby thighs from the picnic last year. Such a cutie!

Thanks for asking and I hope you and yours (esp. your husband) have a happy and healthy new year.





 Afterism (n) - A concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late.

Elle Felts
on 1/5/09 10:04 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Sounds like you have been one busy woman and like ya'll had a wonderful Christmas.  What is this MAN CAVE you're talking about?  LOL  Sounds fun.  hee hee

Christian is doing well.  He started daycare today for the first time.  Holly got a part time job at the daycare where she will work on the days she's not in college.  Christian bit a little boy today.  The other little boy had his fingers in Christian's  mouth.....so....he bit him.  OH well, he'll live and learn.  He made a happy plate at lunch too.  Sounds like he had a good day.  Guess I won't be seeing him near as much with him in preschool now. :(

Please keep our family in your prayers.  Talk to you again soon,

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