Saturday morning coffee?

on 12/26/08 10:39 pm - AL
Yep, I have big plans for the day. We are having a get together in Jacksonville-   my mom's only brother and his wife, all the children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and in laws will be there. We have family from Detroit, Savannah, Orlando, Germany, and Iraq who will be will be there.. plus all the locals. We dont have a big family but it's not very often that we are all under one roof. And the big meals havent gotten old for us (yet), we are doing pot luck.

I got a coffee maker/espresso machine for Christmas. I am enjoying vanilla-licious espresso this morning. I also got some Hawaiian coffee but I havent tried it, yet. I'm expecting some Arabic coffee to come in the mail soon. Our countries may not agree on certain issues but we can certainly agree on good coffee. Maybe world peace could be acheived if they served this coffee at the United Nations..
 grandmommy.png picture by oladyntheshu

BullDog Lady
on 12/26/08 11:30 pm - Somewhere GREAT!
Good morning my friend--nothing here jsut yet.  The dogs inteh house woke us up about our lil one out side trying to escape...but I do have plans on trying out my nerw cappicino/esppresso machine santa brought me for christmas...WOOHOOO--have a great day!

****Becky***** @}------- @}--------


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