Are you.......................... ?
I have a friend in Florida who has a plaque in her kitchen that says, "Martha Stewart doesn't live here." I love it!
I wish I were more like Martha, but I'm afraid I am all Maxine. The only thing that resembles Martha Stewart is my hair this morning.
Well, I'm off to bake about 15 dozen cookies and make some chicken and dressing and all that crap. I'm doing the Christmas dinner at my house tomorrow. I wish Martha were here! Maxine and I could drink Margaritas while we watched her prepare the dinner! LOL
I wish I were more like Martha, but I'm afraid I am all Maxine. The only thing that resembles Martha Stewart is my hair this morning.
Well, I'm off to bake about 15 dozen cookies and make some chicken and dressing and all that crap. I'm doing the Christmas dinner at my house tomorrow. I wish Martha were here! Maxine and I could drink Margaritas while we watched her prepare the dinner! LOL