Monday Coffee Talk

Randall Culpepper
on 12/21/08 7:12 pm - Guntersville, AL
Tis the season to be jolly............OH!  Sorry, I just woke up singing this morning.  HA! HA!  GOOD MONDAY MORNING!!  Time to rise and shine!  Gotta spray them pits and eat them grits.  Gotta get up and go.  It is COLD!   Colder more so at other places, but we are at 25* this a.m. BRRRRR

Our challenge today is to keep your commitments.  If you promise someone something, keep that promise.  If you break your word, then you have nothing left.  How do you want to be reflected?  What do you want people to think about you?  You may say "I don't care or I could care less what people think of me".  What a sad way of thinking.  If you keep your word and do as you promise or say, you will be known as a person of integrity and people will love you and respect you.  So today, make a vow to keep your word and promises.  You'll be glad you did!

So, who's up?  What cha sipping on?  Me?  I'm enjoying some awesome Gevalia Vintor Spice coffee and it sure is good.  Just wish you could share a cup with me.

Be blessed and have a wonderful Monday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

*~ Dayner Dee ~*
on 12/21/08 7:17 pm - East Burbs, MN
Morning Randall...!!

WOW...25 degrees!!  Thats cold for you, but a heat wave for us!!  Waking up to a big -10 degrees this morning..  yay... NOT..!!

Wishing you a wanderfully blessed, warm and fuzzy day!!



Randall Culpepper
on 12/21/08 7:21 pm - Guntersville, AL
I know it is FREEZING up that way.  Lucy was talking to her parents last night and this weekend. Snow storms are hitting you guys hard.  Stay warm and SAFE!!  Love ya and have a blessed Monday my friend!!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

Dixie Dawn
on 12/21/08 7:55 pm - Opelika, AL

WHOA on the -10.  I don't  think I could handle that!!

Stay warm and have a wonderful day girlfriend!

SNOW.jpg picture by DixieDynamite2007




Randall Culpepper
on 12/21/08 8:05 pm - Guntersville, AL
WHOA is RIGHT!  Don't come down this way.  I couldn't handle it either.  My heart goes out to them all!!!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

Dixie Dawn
on 12/21/08 7:29 pm - Opelika, AL
Gooood Morning Randy!! I'm sipping the usual Mocha Lite... such a creature of habit!! ha

Great challenge today.  It's so easy to make committments and not keep them. 

Wishing you & yours a Happy Holiday Season!!! 

SNOW.jpg picture by DixieDynamite2007




Randall Culpepper
on 12/21/08 7:33 pm - Guntersville, AL
Good morning my sweet friend.  So good to see you up this morning. 

You're right!  So easy to make commitments, then just not keep them.

Praying you have an awesome and merriest Christmas!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

Michele Luv
on 12/21/08 7:59 pm - Birmingham, AL
Good Mornin' Randall,
Love this challenge!! Sipping my coffee, tryin to get awake this cold morning!!  Have a Wonderful BLESSED Day my dear friend!!
Love yall,

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Randall Culpepper
on 12/21/08 8:04 pm - Guntersville, AL
Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day too.  Stay warm.  I just went out to warm up Lucy's car before she leaves for work.  She has a short week.  WOO HOO!!   I can't stand the thought of her getting into a cold car!

Love ya Michelle!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

Vickie G.
on 12/21/08 8:30 pm - AL
I am sipping on some White Chocolate Raspberry and it is yummy ! You would just be jealous of me if ya had a taste  Hope you and Lucy have a Good Day !!

Nothing tastes as good as being thinner feels.

I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing.

"Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the goal." 









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