OT: Chipping: A Pause for Thought
I use to have a friend who pointed out that like all good things, there is a down side. We can currently chip our dogs and cats or other pets for speedy identity. We know that this is a successful program in many ways ot reuniting a pet with the owner. However, the down side is how long before we start to "chip" our children to prevent them from being lost. Also, a good idea with the Amber Alerts, etc. If this were carried out to the extreme in one generation, we could have every person in the the United States chipped within one to three gernerations. The upside is that we would always know who the homeless were, who the alzehiemer's patient who wonder away was, the victim of an accident was, etc. We could attach all medical records, personal data, etc. to the chip. We could go on.
The downside is that you would not longer have any personal information that could not be accessed in the simpliest of ways. You walk through an airport screening and it would read your chip....it could even know if you are overdrawn at the bank.
When I read 1984 years ago, I thought some of the concepts in it were really silly. How could the govenment know everything we did and where we were at any given time. How could be be video taped without our knowledge, etc. Isn't it interesting that we have the technology to do just that with something that is so simple and inexpensive. How long will it be before we are chipped, too.