What are YOU doing tonight?
I just finished my 2nd batch of fudge. ONly one more to go. I have got all of my cakes cooked except one red velvet. I have to finish the candies this weekend. I get really sick of chocolate this time of year. I feel as though sugar is actually in my skin
. I just hope my family and co-workers enjoy it. I had a little bit of work to do for my "other" boss. You have a great evening at the Mexican restaurant. Daniel is taking me and John to Rana's here in Lincoln tomorrow night. That is a very good Mexican Restaurant, too. Y'all stay warm. Love you all!!!!

We have a wee bit of snow! It's so pretty. Mostly just icy stuff, but still, it looks like snow. I went out to bring the garbage can in and took the neighbors' can over to their house so they wouldn't have to get out in it. I was in my chenille robe and houseshoes so I'm sure I was a sight. Luckily it's dark out there. I hate that I messed up the pretty snow with footprints and the garbage can wheels.
I jus****ched a DVD, THE CHRISTMAS COTTAGE about Thomas Kinkade and now I'm either going to watch HGTV or another DVD, MAD MONEY. Since it's snowing, no one expects me to get out in the weather and do anything so I get a night at home where I don't have to do anything except what I want to do. So...TV it is!
I would say be careful on the way to the restaurant, but you're already there, but I'm sending prayers for your safety. It's nasty out there.
I would have said to have some cheese dip for me and flirt with the Mexican waiters, but again, you've already left.
Aren't you glad?
Have a good night and ya'll snuggle up and keep warm!
I jus****ched a DVD, THE CHRISTMAS COTTAGE about Thomas Kinkade and now I'm either going to watch HGTV or another DVD, MAD MONEY. Since it's snowing, no one expects me to get out in the weather and do anything so I get a night at home where I don't have to do anything except what I want to do. So...TV it is!
I would say be careful on the way to the restaurant, but you're already there, but I'm sending prayers for your safety. It's nasty out there.
I would have said to have some cheese dip for me and flirt with the Mexican waiters, but again, you've already left.

Have a good night and ya'll snuggle up and keep warm!
Kinda Late....it is Friday morning. Got home too late last night to check the board. My husband & I went to a CHRISTmas party last night in Atlanta, Had a really good time
We are going to my support group CHRISTmas party tonight in anniston. And we have another party to go to Sat night. My husband is helping with the toy of tots drive today. sure is a busy time for year. But I still remember what the season is all about. Remembering the Birth of OUR LORD and spending time with the ones you love.
Merry CHRISTmas
We are going to my support group CHRISTmas party tonight in anniston. And we have another party to go to Sat night. My husband is helping with the toy of tots drive today. sure is a busy time for year. But I still remember what the season is all about. Remembering the Birth of OUR LORD and spending time with the ones you love.
Merry CHRISTmas

Hey Lindy. Just now figured out who you were. I can't wait to see you tonight. I am in the kitchen now doing my cakes. I just got the red velvet in the oven. It is the best that you will ever put in your mouth. After lunch I have got to bake the lemon coconut pound cake. I might not be able to do anything else but I can make a pound cake to die for.See you tonight. Drive safe.