Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine. Its going to be a wonderful day. I slept good and I hope you did too. Nothing like a good nights sleep.
Our challenge today is to be a friend. I'm not trying to do Jackie's quote, but I couldn't pass this one up. "The only way to have a friend is to be one." Ralph Waldo Emerson said. If we expect to have friends in this life, we have to be one first. I want to be a friend to everyone. Not everyone will let you, but you can try your hardest. There is nothing like having a friend, but there is nothing like BEING a friend! I challenge you today to be a friend to someone. See what happens in return. Don't complain if you don't have a friend, maybe it is you that needs checking?
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Dunkin Donuts and it is WONDERFUL.
Hope you have a fantastic FRIENDLY Thursday!
Our challenge today is to be a friend. I'm not trying to do Jackie's quote, but I couldn't pass this one up. "The only way to have a friend is to be one." Ralph Waldo Emerson said. If we expect to have friends in this life, we have to be one first. I want to be a friend to everyone. Not everyone will let you, but you can try your hardest. There is nothing like having a friend, but there is nothing like BEING a friend! I challenge you today to be a friend to someone. See what happens in return. Don't complain if you don't have a friend, maybe it is you that needs checking?
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Dunkin Donuts and it is WONDERFUL.
Hope you have a fantastic FRIENDLY Thursday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Things are as good! Jonathan well....he quit college...not real happy about that. He is planning on getting married in October.....Not real happy about that either....But...all in all the Lord has kept me calm through this stuff! The job is GREAT however I am just inundated with surgeries right now and can't seem to stay caught up. Love my boss though....Joe is doing pretty good right now. He had pneumonia a couple of weeks ago and now has been diagnosed with CHF. We are doing all we can to keep him healthy. I guess you never know what life will hand you or when.....but regardless...I WILL PRAISE THE LORD WITH ALL I HAVE AND ALL THAT I AM!