What I want for Christmas
It would also mean that I didn't have to pretend tha****ching cars going in circles on the television was entertainment. Golf, tennis, and strong man competitions would not grace my big screen. Alabama football would be ok, as I can get into that sport. Oh, I do think that actually going to the races would be entertaining to watch the people....I still find cars going in circles a little boring, but more exciting than watching a tennis match. Yes, I can play tennis and I like high speed, but I cannot afford the speeding tickets and I have a bad knee.
So, Santa, you now know what to leave under my tree.
I had a friend like that and it was one of the most destructive relationships of my life. Plus, he was an Auburn fan. LOL
It took me decades to realize it but I finally decided I'm much happier totally alone. I have my female friends, my family and my beloved computer friends. I'm basically a hermit at heart anyway so being alone is not a problem.
I know where you're coming from though. Plus, I don't have any faculty functions to go to. I do go to jewelry meetings and there is a Christmas party coming up, but I may invite my sister. If anyone talks...well, my sister wears a wedding ring and diamond so people would assume I had at least made an honest woman out of her. LOL And, as you know, people are going to talk no matter what. I always say if they're talking about me, they're leaving someone else alone.
You could always invite your dad. He has a great interest in your safety and happiness, right? I don't know what kind of health he is in...I doubt my dad would be up for being my date to a function, but at least you know he wouldn't be a jerk. And you would know you were with a man who truly loves you.
I can SO relate though. I have had so much crap with the relationship thing. After the last one, with him stalking me, being violent with me and having me scared to sleep at night for fear of him coming after me...it's just not worth the trouble to try to risk it again.
I had another gay male friend one time, but his boyfriend was very jealous of ANYONE so that didn't work either.
There is no answer to finding a decent man. There is only one Randall Culpepper after all...sigh.

All that said, I have no answers, no advice, no solutions. Just wanted to let you know you weren't alone and there are worse things than having the house all to yourself, the remote all to yourself, total peace and quiet in the house with NO DRAMA.
Have you read May Sarton's Journal of a Solitude? I haven't read it in years, but it was a great book.
I know there are times when it's lonely, but the enjoyment I got out of dating was NEVER worth all the drama.
Hugs to you, my friend,
My Dad is not anywhere close. He lives 500 miles away and cannot go places with me. When I go home, we have a very active social life. I have a lot of friends there left over from high school. My dad's health is excellent. He still drives and can even go dancing, if he wanted.
However, here the only people I meet other than you guys are at work. At work is not a good place to develop friendships. I also have two gentlemen who are exceptional men that I hear from on a regular basis. However, they also live far away from here. One is an CEO of his own company that does well. The other is a lead lawyer for the Social Security Administration. So I have hetrosexual males that I mean something to and that mean something to me. However, we are separated by miles and miles.
You could call an escort service. I had a neighbor once that picked up a prostitute and paid her to.. cut the grass.
on 12/8/08 5:01 am - Slapout, AL

All I want from Santa is a digital key chain...to show pics of my family and a black leather swing jacket.

I surely enjoyed our conversation Saturday night! You are a hoot and such fun to be around...not to mention incredibly intelligent!
on 12/8/08 9:01 pm
I love my gay female friends too.
Even though I have a husband, I rarely take him to functions with me. Thank God I have 3 lovely young men who are more than willing to be my date. Yeah, one of them looks like Blackbeard the pirate, the other has bright blue hair and the youngest is moody, but they are mine and willingly accompany me when I need a male companion.
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.

on 12/9/08 9:06 am - Slapout, AL
hey, i got on ebay to look for you a gay man. didnt see any but i did see some interesting gay men toys.
r and r board has lots of gay men.
you could also try craigslist.
target stopped carrying gay men because they complained too much during shipping. walmart had a line of martha stewart gay men but they were too *****y.
i will keep looking for you.
oh, i had a idea. have you tried going to every florist inyour area. you can pick up a gay man and nice arrangement for your dining room table.