Thank you all!!!
Thank you for all the prayers. I firmly believe in the power of prayer and with more people praying that our prayers will be answered. The doctor kept telling us that there is only a slight chance it could be cancer, I know the odds are in our favor, but I can't help thinking about that slight chance. Frank is not worried at all. I am very emotional and he is the strong one.
Again, than you all!! I love you all!!!
Take care,
Again, than you all!! I love you all!!!
Take care,
I too am a worry wart and emotional no matter how hard I try to remain positive, with bad news or the "not knowing" part of a health problem. the waiting is the hard part.
Ive gone back 11 generations in my geneology, on my mother's side, the cancer is rampant on my mother's side starting with the 7th generation.My grandfather had 13 brothers and sisters and each and everyone of them had some form of cancer and heart disease, his mother died of throat cancer.
Im the 10th generation and lost a sister to breast cancer, mother to liver cancer, grandfather to colon cancer within the last 8 years for my sister so I just know one day it will be my turn to fight the dreaded demon. I completely understand your worries and fears.
After all is said and done and I have a final diagnosis, I find, I wasted energy worrying over what I could not control, surrendered it all for my peace of mind and sanity, and have answered prayers with good news and you WILL too! Stay strong, take care of yourself in the process and will check in when I can, to see how all of you are doing and to read that Frank is going to be just fine!
Ask, believe, recieve, it does work and will in HIS time and my answer took over a year, the last 6 months have been the worst, but it took time and the answer came so stay strong in FAITH and I will do the same for you and Frank.
ARE watching over you and the family!
Ive gone back 11 generations in my geneology, on my mother's side, the cancer is rampant on my mother's side starting with the 7th generation.My grandfather had 13 brothers and sisters and each and everyone of them had some form of cancer and heart disease, his mother died of throat cancer.
Im the 10th generation and lost a sister to breast cancer, mother to liver cancer, grandfather to colon cancer within the last 8 years for my sister so I just know one day it will be my turn to fight the dreaded demon. I completely understand your worries and fears.
After all is said and done and I have a final diagnosis, I find, I wasted energy worrying over what I could not control, surrendered it all for my peace of mind and sanity, and have answered prayers with good news and you WILL too! Stay strong, take care of yourself in the process and will check in when I can, to see how all of you are doing and to read that Frank is going to be just fine!
Ask, believe, recieve, it does work and will in HIS time and my answer took over a year, the last 6 months have been the worst, but it took time and the answer came so stay strong in FAITH and I will do the same for you and Frank.