Update on Doctor
Keep the faith, it will happen when the time is right. I know easy for me to say.
Enjoy the holidays, if I could go back and redo mine I would have rather have it after the holidays, seems like it would be a lot less stressful.
If you remember Beth she went through kind of the same, except I think hers was insurance related, but she was like you, she stayed positive and it eventually happened.
Vent here if you need too, we will understand.
Hugs, Jan
Enjoy the holidays, if I could go back and redo mine I would have rather have it after the holidays, seems like it would be a lot less stressful.
If you remember Beth she went through kind of the same, except I think hers was insurance related, but she was like you, she stayed positive and it eventually happened.
Vent here if you need too, we will understand.
Hugs, Jan

Sorry to hear that your surgery is being put off for so long, but you do need to have that thyroid under control before your surgery. Why is it being such a bugger? Hopefully being on new meds for two months will do the trick this time. Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You WILL have your surgery....just not as soon as you would like.