Wednesday Coffee Talk
Good morning! Hump Day is here! We have made 1/2 way through the week. It's all down hill now folks! How'd ya sleep? I slept better than I have in a while and I feel so good this morning! What a difference a day makes! I hope you feel as good as I do! HEHEHE It's time to spray those pits and eat them grits. Gotta get moving!
Our challenge for today is to focus on your family. Do something special for them. Cook their favorite meal. Take them somewhere special. Do something together. There is nothing like family. So many times, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our life's routine that we forget about our family and loved ones. We see them, but yet it is from a distance so to speak. They are around us, but we are so busy we can't focus on them too often. Focus on your family today and let them know that you are there for them and you love them. I dare ya! They will love you back and focus on you if you will.
So, who's up? What cha sippin' on this morning? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome plain old Maxwell House coffee and you know what? It sure is good! Good to the last drop! LOL
Y'all have a wonderful family day as you focus on them! YOU ARE BLESSED!

Great challenge!! Hope you got a good report from your doctors visits yesterday. So glad to hear you are feeling better!! It's dunkin'donut coffee for me this am..this stuff is so good!! Have a Wonderful BLESSED day my dear friend!!
Love Yall,
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader

Good Morning!!
I am sitting here sipping on some good Merry Mistletoe!! Yummy. I just love it.
Warms you head to toe too.
Awesome challenge today. Should be so easy for me on a beautiful Wednesday the Lord has given me! We are working together as a family at the church at 4 this evening to help with dinner. And having dinner with our church family as we do every Wednesday!! I just love hump day!
You have a blessed day my friend! And enjoy your church tonight.
Please remember my MawMaw, Norma in your prayers she is in the hospital in Birmingham.
Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
RNY 1/17/06