Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone. I hope you slept as good as I did. I still have a headache, but I feel better. WOO HOO! LOL I will be going to B'ham today for those 2 Dr.s appts. Anyone want to meet for lunch at the Summit or close by?
Our challenge for today is to KICK! Kick you may ask? Yes! Kick and not let the stumbling blocks of life trip you up. You can kick them right out of your way and keep on moving without having to fall. Life throws us so many "stumbling blocks" and at times, we fall and stay down for a while. We are stronger than that. We are wiser than that. We know to get right back up. We are strong enough to pick ourselves up, dust off our backsides and keep on going. Kick those stumbling blocks out of your way today. Don't let them trip you. You can see them coming sometimes. When you can, KICK "EM and GO ON!! I know you can!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some Chocolate Mint Memories by Boca Java. Sure is good. Find it at bocajava.com. Sorry for the small commercial there. LOL
Have a great Tuesday as you kick today!!
Our challenge for today is to KICK! Kick you may ask? Yes! Kick and not let the stumbling blocks of life trip you up. You can kick them right out of your way and keep on moving without having to fall. Life throws us so many "stumbling blocks" and at times, we fall and stay down for a while. We are stronger than that. We are wiser than that. We know to get right back up. We are strong enough to pick ourselves up, dust off our backsides and keep on going. Kick those stumbling blocks out of your way today. Don't let them trip you. You can see them coming sometimes. When you can, KICK "EM and GO ON!! I know you can!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some Chocolate Mint Memories by Boca Java. Sure is good. Find it at bocajava.com. Sorry for the small commercial there. LOL
Have a great Tuesday as you kick today!!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Good Mornin' Randall,
GREAT challenge...thank you!! Have a Wonderful BLESSED day my friend!! I look forward to seeing you and Lucy @ Logans this Saturday!! Please tell Memaw Pat hello and give her a hug from me..I miss seeing her.
Love Yall,
GREAT challenge...thank you!! Have a Wonderful BLESSED day my friend!! I look forward to seeing you and Lucy @ Logans this Saturday!! Please tell Memaw Pat hello and give her a hug from me..I miss seeing her.
Love Yall,
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader
Good morning! I'm sippin on some espresso this morning. I have an early meeting every Tuesday so I need a caffeine jolt to get me going.
Will be kicking those stumbling blocks...hoping not to have any though. My job is pretty stress free. I do have a final exam tonight in World History (not my favorite subject)....so how about some prayers that I do well on my final. One more final next Monday (an easy one) and I am out until January. YAY! I will have completed my Associates in Horticulture. I have already started taking classes towards my Bachelors in Management too, getting a little head start along the way. It may take years to complete it going PT at night, but I will complete it one way or another.
Will be kicking those stumbling blocks...hoping not to have any though. My job is pretty stress free. I do have a final exam tonight in World History (not my favorite subject)....so how about some prayers that I do well on my final. One more final next Monday (an easy one) and I am out until January. YAY! I will have completed my Associates in Horticulture. I have already started taking classes towards my Bachelors in Management too, getting a little head start along the way. It may take years to complete it going PT at night, but I will complete it one way or another.