Does anyone know what would have caused
Love ya my friend!
[email protected]
[email protected]

I am not seeing Red X's on your profile. I do see that you are at the 50 photo cap. Try holding your CTRL key as you click REFRESH (not F5) on the keyboard to clear your cache. If this does not work go to the photo where you see the Red X. Look in the upper right corner of the photo and you will see the word DELETE. Click it then see if the Red X is gone.
If you continue to have trouble please let me know and I will be happy to help. So far I have not had any trouble reports come in and I am in the Photo Account working
Geni's photos are in the "cruise" album. I am looking right at them. Sometimes if the file name has a dash, underscore or special character it will throw up the Red X but in your case I see them--just in a different album. To put them in Geni's album simply delete them from where they are (like I "showed" you) and then click upload a new photo. Go to the album named Geni and upload them into there. You are doing fine. You are in the right church just sat down on a different pew than normal.