Are you ready for.........
CHRISTmas? December is almost here! We only have 27 days left. Has anybody done ALL their shopping for this holiday? Does anyone know what they will be having for dinner on that day? Are you ready to share Christ's Birthday? How do you spend your Christmas? With family? With church? Alone? With perfect strangers? Does anybody volunteer there time to help others in need? (example: bell ringer for salvation army or cook for homeless)I once was an online bell ringer for the salvation army before and I went and served the hungry. I LOVE to hear Christmas songs around this time of year.(Let it snow,Let it snow!)I love to drink hot chocolate and reminisce about past Christmas's'. I love to watch charlie brown,wizard of oz,It's a wonderful Life and a Christmas Story!(you'll shoot your eye out kid! tradition in our family is we gather with family we haven't seen for a year or more and my DH's paw paw tells the younger generation about why we celebrate Christmas.I have been so Blessed to be in a family who does this because I cherish stuff like this.I want my kids to know Jesus right off the bat not like I had to learn. I want them to have a heart and help those in need in like God would do on His Son's Birthday.Celebrate it with love just as He would do. I am just curious to know what people think Christmas is to them? Everyone is different I know so go ahead and share if you would like. This is all about YOU and YOUR Christmas in this post.Thank You and God Bless to all!
Spoken With God's Eternal Love,
Spoken With God's Eternal Love,
Brandy many thoughts of the Holiday season! I enjoy the season, but sometimes the stress of it all gets to be a bit much too!
Usually I spend Thanksgiving evening, addressing Christmas cards, but I dropped the ball on that one this year. I have had my nephew's 6 & 8 year old daughter's since Thursday and they just went home about lunch today, so I spent the time with them. Then I went out to
lunch with a friend today, so I am way behind now!
Sitting here now thinking about ironing and watching the
Alabama - Auburn game! ROLL TIDE!
I will spend Christmas with my family. We have a small family--no living grandparents or aunts or uncles. So it is Mom and Dad, my brother & his wife, their two sons and signifigant others and three children. Usually the neighbors are here for part of the day as well. Sometimes some of the cousins will drop by for a visit.
Our office is closed Christmas day--so I don't have to worry about work.
Shopping--normally I would be done by now, but this year, I am way behind. I have only made two purchases so far. I plan to do most of my shopping next weekend.
For Co-Workers, they will be getting home baked goods.
Chocolate dipped and decorated pretzel rods, Chocolate dipped Ritz/Peanut Butter Crackers, Sour Cream Coffee cake--NONE OF WHICH IS WLS Friendly.

And yes, I am with you on LET IT SNOW! LOL. Somehow the weather channel keeps mentioning the
snow word for Huntsville on Monday--I will believe it when I see it.

Take care and keep the Christmas spirit alive!
(deactivated member)
on 11/29/08 8:48 am - Slapout, AL
on 11/29/08 8:48 am - Slapout, AL
i like to get naked this tim eo fyear and run around my house every night at 10pm. then i like to take a poop in the yards of people i dont like every tuesday night around 8pm. then on christmas eve, i get drunk and stand in the road. since someone~ doesnt have anything else to do and since someone~ is a lonely old hag with no man or woman to call her own no kids no nookie and living at home with mom and dad with a dead end job, i will be happy to invite her to join me. she can take my plae standing in the road.
its a christmas tradition
its a christmas tradition