Warning !! Heed this Warning !!
I must warn you , if you have both your knees replaced and you look at the bottom of your Cabinets and decide to clean them remember this . As you position your rump up against the refrigerator to slide down it to get to the floor , to clean them you cannot get up by yourself. You hafts to call the Local Volunteer Fire Department to assist you in getting up. so when you
back that rump up to the fridge think twice !!
Edited to add : Your Cabinets clean : Priceless
Sitting in the floor for 30 minutes : Angered
DH coming in from Deer Hunting and finding you and he doubles over laughing : Embarrasing
back that rump up to the fridge think twice !!

Edited to add : Your Cabinets clean : Priceless
Sitting in the floor for 30 minutes : Angered
DH coming in from Deer Hunting and finding you and he doubles over laughing : Embarrasing

I haven't had replacements but before I had surgery my knees were so bad I dropped a quarter and it rolled under my car. I got down on my knees and got my quarter but couldn't get up then. I tried everything. I just couldn't get up. My butt in the air. Feet in front. Feet in back. Opened car door and held on to the steering wheel, couldn't pull myself up. I might still be there today except the nice man in the Krystal Resturant left his meal and came out and helped me up. Love, Miss Mary
Bless ya heart..It's a good thing JR didnt deside to spend the night in the woods!! I Love YOU!! Talk to you soon!!
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