Whew...it's over at my house


Sounds like you and your family had a GREAT Thanksgiving!! Have a Wonderful BLESSED night my friend!!
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader

Sounds like you and your family had a Wonderful Thanksgiving!! Hope to see you soon my friend!!
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader

FOR REUNION INFO.. use the link below!!
ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader
we just had the five of us here and now it is just me and the DH and all the critters. I fell asleep on the couch while he did what little clean up there was left to do. Now that I had my little thirty minute nap I hope I will be able to sleep tonight.
right now I am having a nice cup of tea and doing some channel surfing
good luck on your shopping tomorrow. I will not be joining the crowds
You're going shopping TOMORROW? At 3am?

Glad to know someone has some mental health. I would be totally insane if I went out there in all that noise

Have fun!
Love you and hope you have a safe & successful shopping experience today!