Thanksgiving Day Coffee Talk
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Time to rise and shine. There is cooking at eating (smart) to be done. There are road trips to be made. There are houses that have to be ready for the family to come. Busy busy day here! What ever your Thanksgiving holds, may we stop and give thanks for EVERY blessing God has given us. We are blessed people! We have wonderful families, warm homes to live in, plenty of food to eat, our needs are met, we are healthy and we have each other. I THANK GOD FOR ALL OF YOU!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? Since Lucy ran me out of the kitchen, I had to grab some leftover coffee and make a Peppermint Mocha iced coffee. Sure is good too. She is making coffee and I know it will be good. I had orders to go back to sleep but I had to do coffee talk. HAHAHA!
I love you all and pray you ALL have a wonderful blessed and FUN Thanksgiving Day!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? Since Lucy ran me out of the kitchen, I had to grab some leftover coffee and make a Peppermint Mocha iced coffee. Sure is good too. She is making coffee and I know it will be good. I had orders to go back to sleep but I had to do coffee talk. HAHAHA!
I love you all and pray you ALL have a wonderful blessed and FUN Thanksgiving Day!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Good morning my dear brother and sister!!!! Isn't it a beautiful day!!!! Yep...busy since 3:00 this morning. It's all worth it though. I will be up that early in the morning to shop, too. I am now trying to get my Christmas cards addressed to get out tomorrow. You all, well I know you will have a great great day today. I am so thankful for you and Lucy and those babies and your momma!!!! Love ya!!!!
Goood Morning!
I'm up and I am NOT cooking today! Scott is going to handle that for us. We had traditional Thanksgiving when my Mom & Dad were here two weekends ago so Scott is going to cook his famous Stuffed Manicotti for us today. He went to the grocery store last night and everything.
I just hope Scott knows that whoever cooks also has to clean up the kitchen afterwards.... he should have read the fine print! hahaha
May you & Lucy have the most blessed FIRST Thanksgiving!!
I'm up and I am NOT cooking today! Scott is going to handle that for us. We had traditional Thanksgiving when my Mom & Dad were here two weekends ago so Scott is going to cook his famous Stuffed Manicotti for us today. He went to the grocery store last night and everything.
I just hope Scott knows that whoever cooks also has to clean up the kitchen afterwards.... he should have read the fine print! hahaha
May you & Lucy have the most blessed FIRST Thanksgiving!!

Good Mornin' Randall & Lucy,
YOU are so right WE are so BLESSED!! I look forward to seeing your precious family on the 6th @ Logans!! Have a AWESOME BLESSED Thanksgiving..I know you will!!
Love Yall,
YOU are so right WE are so BLESSED!! I look forward to seeing your precious family on the 6th @ Logans!! Have a AWESOME BLESSED Thanksgiving..I know you will!!
Love Yall,
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader
That trip to Logan's sounds more and more enticing each time I see you post about it!
I may have to see what work looks like on that day. I have been working a good bit extra
but do have the ability to contol when I work those extra hours!
MISS MARY--are you up for another road trip?
That trip to Logan's sounds more and more enticing each time I see you post about it!
I may have to see what work looks like on that day. I have been working a good bit extra
but do have the ability to contol when I work those extra hours!
MISS MARY--are you up for another road trip?

Sounds GREAT I look forward to see you both!! Have a BLESSED THanksgiving!!
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader