Need advice please!!
First of all let me say I am not looking for a diagnosis just wondering if anyone has experienced this or something similiar!! I will be calling my doctor as soon as they open this morning.
About one yesterday I started hurting, the pain was from rib to rib and hurt worse when I was moving. I left home to go walk with my bf and could only walk half of what we usually walk because the pain would bend me double and make me sick at my stomach. I came home and the rest of the night was literally in tears with the pain. Stubborn me stuck it out and even had to sleep (if you can call it that) sitting up on the couch. If I lay down or tried to get on my stomach it killed me. I thought it might be gas but would gas hurt that bad and that long? It has eased off alot now and i'm questioning even calling the doctor because I have so much to do but this really scared me. I know I really need to go ahead and call but also wondering how he can find what it was if it doesn't hurt anymore.......
Any advice would be appreciated, I am 2 years out with no previous problems, gallbladder surgery 21 yrs ago so not that. I have lost 148 pounds so far.
thanks for any input!
About one yesterday I started hurting, the pain was from rib to rib and hurt worse when I was moving. I left home to go walk with my bf and could only walk half of what we usually walk because the pain would bend me double and make me sick at my stomach. I came home and the rest of the night was literally in tears with the pain. Stubborn me stuck it out and even had to sleep (if you can call it that) sitting up on the couch. If I lay down or tried to get on my stomach it killed me. I thought it might be gas but would gas hurt that bad and that long? It has eased off alot now and i'm questioning even calling the doctor because I have so much to do but this really scared me. I know I really need to go ahead and call but also wondering how he can find what it was if it doesn't hurt anymore.......
Any advice would be appreciated, I am 2 years out with no previous problems, gallbladder surgery 21 yrs ago so not that. I have lost 148 pounds so far.
thanks for any input!
Are you taking anything with Niacin in it (ex: Diet supplements, herbal supplements, etc) because when I took pills that contained high dosages of Niacin, I had the same reaction, it's as almost if you're burning on the inside and you cannot move to get relief. That's how I felt. All in the midsection. It would last anywhere between 5 mins to 30 mins depending on dosage.
hope this helps
Thanks for the reply Beth. All I am taking, other than my vitamins and such, is my estrogen. This lasted from about 1:00 to about 4:30 this morning, it let up some when I took a hot bath but other than that the pain was awful. I've had the burning pain with an ulcer so know how that feels, this just threw me off and scared me. I started thinking all kinds of bad things!
Thanks John!
I've dealt with ulcers most of my adult life and thought of that but with past problems it never hurt constantly like that or for so long. And with that I could take some maalox or something like that to coat and it would ease off. I don't know, I have so much to do today and I really don't want to spend it in a doctors office when it doesn't hurt right now but then we are going out of town Friday and I don't want to get caught like I did yesterday. ughhhh
Again thanks for the reply!!
I've dealt with ulcers most of my adult life and thought of that but with past problems it never hurt constantly like that or for so long. And with that I could take some maalox or something like that to coat and it would ease off. I don't know, I have so much to do today and I really don't want to spend it in a doctors office when it doesn't hurt right now but then we are going out of town Friday and I don't want to get caught like I did yesterday. ughhhh
Again thanks for the reply!!
Iris Shimmer
on 11/25/08 11:05 pm
on 11/25/08 11:05 pm
PLEASE go to the DOCTOR!! It could be somethig serious, twisted intestines, iverticulitis, etc. Get it checked!!
In August I had that same kind of pain, thinking it was gas, I took phazyme and hoped for the best. The pain last 16 hours!! Actually longer, but I went the ER at midnight where I was promptly treated ( within minutes, despite the crowd) . I was ghostly white, couldn't eat, and dehydrated from the pain. The doc admitted me and I got some relief from IV pain meds. The Xrays shwed diverticulitis. An inflammation of the colon. I was hospitalized for 5 days, on pain meds every 2 hours. I was very sick. They thought surgery was in order, but after day 3 I started getting better. It was scary as all get it.
Don't wait!! GO NOW!!
In August I had that same kind of pain, thinking it was gas, I took phazyme and hoped for the best. The pain last 16 hours!! Actually longer, but I went the ER at midnight where I was promptly treated ( within minutes, despite the crowd) . I was ghostly white, couldn't eat, and dehydrated from the pain. The doc admitted me and I got some relief from IV pain meds. The Xrays shwed diverticulitis. An inflammation of the colon. I was hospitalized for 5 days, on pain meds every 2 hours. I was very sick. They thought surgery was in order, but after day 3 I started getting better. It was scary as all get it.
Don't wait!! GO NOW!!
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.