come out come out

Julie C.
on 11/23/08 6:14 am - Gulf Shores, AL


I have to say this as you 'pride' yourself with the fact that you don't reveal "secrets" and PMs from people.
So you have claimed in the past...
Just curious why the 180 with you here lately.

You really haven't been your "normal" Nuggety self.
Are you OK??

Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
 RNY 1/17/06

(deactivated member)
on 11/23/08 8:38 am - Slapout, AL
*hanging my head in shame* ok julie you got me
of all the people i like on this board, you are the REALthing.
*raising head*
i thought randy boy was too but i am deeply disappointed.
i have a question though.  if you saw a couple of people continue to bully eveyone around, you would speak up well like yo udid now but why is it that carolyn aka iggylover gets away with creeping people out with her ugly mug and argueing with people so much. have you noticed the peiple on those post are no longer here.  the proof is in the nasty pudding i pulled from the arcival refrigerator. i could have pulled so much more but most were deleted by her or oh.   i have watched it for the past year. i have known about it even longer.
also, on this day of sonday as you peole call it, some of the very same people who post crap on here about each other then slam each each other in gawds holy name.
really? is that what being a christian is about. 
no way, im not drinking the koolaid here.
julie, you are a sweet girl. just becaue i dont post doesnt mean i dont lurk.  i see what you have been through. i think you are good soul.
but the rest of you will figure out someday that there are more people in this world then your backwards selves.
on 11/23/08 10:13 am - Alabama, AL
Julie C.
on 11/23/08 10:54 am - Gulf Shores, AL
Actually I am disappointed in myself.
I don't like to get in these mess things- but maybe I should have stood up before now.
I don't like the argueing. Does anyone like discord??
I don't know what's up with post pulling, post disappearing. I didn't even know who the moderators are.
I come here for SUPPORT. I want to dish out the same thing I expect.
I am a Christian 24/7, I speak it, but I want to live it. And I don't have to scream it. (although you know sometimes I do).
We are like houses - we have windows- every one can look in. Then, they can decide for themselves if they want to visit.
I appreciate you saying I am a good soul. As I walked on the beach tonight just abit ago,  I thought about what you said. I thought how all that I have been through I was never alone. I had 100% support here on the boards.
I certainly Thanked God for that tonight.

I am sorry you feel you haven't found that support. But I wish to offer that to you.
I know that we all make mistakes. I've sure made my fair share of them.

Congrats on your weight loss so far!!! WTG!!!

Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
 RNY 1/17/06

(deactivated member)
on 11/23/08 11:43 am - Slapout, AL
On November 23, 2008 at 6:54 PM Pacific Time, Julie C. wrote:
Actually I am disappointed in myself.
I don't like to get in these mess things- but maybe I should have stood up before now.
I don't like the argueing. Does anyone like discord??
I don't know what's up with post pulling, post disappearing. I didn't even know who the moderators are.
I come here for SUPPORT. I want to dish out the same thing I expect.
I am a Christian 24/7, I speak it, but I want to live it. And I don't have to scream it. (although you know sometimes I do).
We are like houses - we have windows- every one can look in. Then, they can decide for themselves if they want to visit.
I appreciate you saying I am a good soul. As I walked on the beach tonight just abit ago,  I thought about what you said. I thought how all that I have been through I was never alone. I had 100% support here on the boards.
I certainly Thanked God for that tonight.

I am sorry you feel you haven't found that support. But I wish to offer that to you.
I know that we all make mistakes. I've sure made my fair share of them.

Congrats on your weight loss so far!!! WTG!!!
you should not be disappointed in yourself. you are teh only person i have respect for at this point when it comes to all the jesus stuff.
anyone who looks in my windows will get a show or mooned.

i have done very good with my wls. but i have had my share of sickness since too.  it is not all fun and glory like people think. it is hard. it is sometimes painful.  i was so obese that i had to trade in my midsize car for a minivan in order to fit properly in the seat.

i still have a lot of weight to lose. i have actaully been to a couple of wls support groups. i have actaully met some of the people on this very board.

wow theres news to all of you.

tell randall im sorry if i hurt his feelings bu he hurt mine too. really everyone knows who the bully is on this board and yet you all seem so accepting or tolerant of her~.  what is the message here? lets run off all the newbies but keep the venom of a snake.

again, i ask what is the message here?
Julie C.
on 11/23/08 12:10 pm - Gulf Shores, AL
((Kim))) I feel you might need a hug

I am so sorry you have had problems and sickness after your WLS. I can certainly understand.
I wish you would have reached out to me or someone else.

I'm glad that you have been to some support group meetings. I believe SUPPORT is so important. I want that to be my message to you..
I cannot answer for someone else, only for myself, and yes, I am accepting and tolerant.
Of EVERYONE. Wouldn't you want to be??

I hope that you continue to go to meetings or find support here on OH.
And I know you are going to get to GOAL too!! I still have 25lbs I would like to lose and I know it's going to come off!
I wish you lived close to me then you could come to my next support group meeting. I would be honored to have ANYONE come. ALL are Welcome!

I'm sorry you feel there is another message here but I hope as you go to support group and get to know these people you will see some of them are truly genuine.

Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
 RNY 1/17/06

(deactivated member)
on 11/23/08 5:43 am - Slapout, AL
in my pants wanna play?
on 11/23/08 6:05 am - Daphne, AL
Gonna have to pass!


NOPE.jpg Nope! image by KawaiiJess




on 11/23/08 10:16 am - Alabama, AL
OH--where did my post go pointing out this is another violation of TOS?


(deactivated member)
on 11/23/08 11:57 am - Slapout, AL
oh please, you claim to know gawds word.
doesnt it say something in there about ye without sin cast the first stone.
please, you tos all the time.
you start trouble
you are rude
you try to incite anger in folks
YOU stalk people on other boards

andyou try to practice medcine without a license.  i have read your so called advice. you havent even had wls surgery, did gawd call you too?

isnt it a tos to hack into another persons profile and change stuff?
its also tos to post pictures that scare children and lizards away.
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