Coming out of lurkdom
At least for a little while...
First of all, Randall, You will not leave this board. You are family to most of us. We've all been through highs and lows together. This just happens to be one of the not-so-high points and you and Lucy are both NEEDED on this board.
Secondly, to all the BASHERS, if you have nothing positive to say then say nothing at all. You are entitled to your opinion but please think about what you post before you post it; Put yourself in someone else's shoes and see how you would feel if the BASHing was towards you. You never know what trial or tribulations someone else is going through.
Check out this video
You may need to make it full-screen to see the actual words; I hope they speak to you as they did me.... and you THINK before you speak/type.
STOP the harassment; USE the BLOCK button if you have to; that is what it is there for. I have used so it will not do any good to post any negative posts to this because those of you that would want to have been blocked..... I think I got most of you..... in case I missed anyone, i DO know about the block feature and I'm not afraid to use it.
Now, play nice or I'll send you to your rooms and take all your toys away.... including the battery-operated ones..........
First of all, Randall, You will not leave this board. You are family to most of us. We've all been through highs and lows together. This just happens to be one of the not-so-high points and you and Lucy are both NEEDED on this board.
Secondly, to all the BASHERS, if you have nothing positive to say then say nothing at all. You are entitled to your opinion but please think about what you post before you post it; Put yourself in someone else's shoes and see how you would feel if the BASHing was towards you. You never know what trial or tribulations someone else is going through.
Check out this video
You may need to make it full-screen to see the actual words; I hope they speak to you as they did me.... and you THINK before you speak/type.
STOP the harassment; USE the BLOCK button if you have to; that is what it is there for. I have used so it will not do any good to post any negative posts to this because those of you that would want to have been blocked..... I think I got most of you..... in case I missed anyone, i DO know about the block feature and I'm not afraid to use it.
Now, play nice or I'll send you to your rooms and take all your toys away.... including the battery-operated ones..........

I remembered seeing this a while back; I had to search for it so I could post it today; It really makes you stop and think....
Who needs a hug? Who needs attention? Who is battling addictions (food or otherwise), Who lost a job? Who works two jobs to feed their families? You never know what someone else is going through. You can't walk in their shoes. You're right, we would all be more compassionate people if we could do that for one hour a day. Of course if I could choose, I would choose Angelina's shoes to walk in for one hour but her feet are probably bigger than mine! ha
Who needs a hug? Who needs attention? Who is battling addictions (food or otherwise), Who lost a job? Who works two jobs to feed their families? You never know what someone else is going through. You can't walk in their shoes. You're right, we would all be more compassionate people if we could do that for one hour a day. Of course if I could choose, I would choose Angelina's shoes to walk in for one hour but her feet are probably bigger than mine! ha