Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning my awesome OH Family! Time to rise and shine! Gotta spray them pits and eat them grits! It's gonna be a HAPPY day!
Our challenge for today is to look at your house. Examine it. Do ya like it? Is it clean? Do you like what you see? Is there clutter everywhere? So much that you have to kick your way through? NO!!! I am not talking about your actual house. I am talking about your body and your mind. If we fill ourselves so full of junk that we can't LIVE, then we need to do an "Extreme Home Makeover" in our lives. When we get so much junk going on inside of us, then we began to smother. The clutter overtakes us and we can not even function. Today, I challenge you to do some cleaning. Take inventory of what junk needs to go and what good needs to stay. If you are like me, you may be able to fill up a garbage truck! Always remember this about your "house"......
"Garbage in......Garbage out". If you are filled with garbage and never get rid of it, then nothing but garbage comes out.
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm loving me some Maxwell House Regular blend this morning. It sure is good. The only thing that would make it better is if you were here and we could have an acutal "coffee talk" together!
Y'all have a WONDERFUL Thursday. Love you all!!!
Our challenge for today is to look at your house. Examine it. Do ya like it? Is it clean? Do you like what you see? Is there clutter everywhere? So much that you have to kick your way through? NO!!! I am not talking about your actual house. I am talking about your body and your mind. If we fill ourselves so full of junk that we can't LIVE, then we need to do an "Extreme Home Makeover" in our lives. When we get so much junk going on inside of us, then we began to smother. The clutter overtakes us and we can not even function. Today, I challenge you to do some cleaning. Take inventory of what junk needs to go and what good needs to stay. If you are like me, you may be able to fill up a garbage truck! Always remember this about your "house"......
"Garbage in......Garbage out". If you are filled with garbage and never get rid of it, then nothing but garbage comes out.
So, who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm loving me some Maxwell House Regular blend this morning. It sure is good. The only thing that would make it better is if you were here and we could have an acutal "coffee talk" together!
Y'all have a WONDERFUL Thursday. Love you all!!!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Good Morning!
WOW!! What a great challenge today. Time to clean out and air the house!! I got some garbage to kick to the curb!
No coffee yet for me today. Some water though. And antibotics.
You have a blessed Thursday!
Good Morning!
WOW!! What a great challenge today. Time to clean out and air the house!! I got some garbage to kick to the curb!
No coffee yet for me today. Some water though. And antibotics.
You have a blessed Thursday!
Certified OH Support Group Leader - Weigh Down (Baldwin County)
RNY 1/17/06
Good Morning Everyone! Hoping everyone is getting off to a great start today!
Boy have I got some clutter in my house that needs to go! Great challenge because all that clutter has been taking away my focus from things I would be better off pursuing. No need to waste any more of my energy on negatives....positive energy from here on out.
I'm sippin on a cappucino this morning. Made it just right today and it's good! Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to actually have our morning coffee talk in person? I usually get up early with my husband just so we can have our little bit of coffee talk time before he has to leave. He leaves waaaay before I even have to really even get up...but I enjoy our little bit of time in the morning.
Boy have I got some clutter in my house that needs to go! Great challenge because all that clutter has been taking away my focus from things I would be better off pursuing. No need to waste any more of my energy on negatives....positive energy from here on out.
I'm sippin on a cappucino this morning. Made it just right today and it's good! Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to actually have our morning coffee talk in person? I usually get up early with my husband just so we can have our little bit of coffee talk time before he has to leave. He leaves waaaay before I even have to really even get up...but I enjoy our little bit of time in the morning.

Hey there my friend!!!! Isn't it a beautiful day. Yep...we need to take the garbage out. I always love to come home and sit in a clean house. It is so depressing when it is cluttered and dirty. But it is so refreshing and uplifting when it's clean. I am having me some Eight O'clock Columbian this morning. I have got to get to that web site and get me some coffee. I've just been a bit busy and don't think of it until I make coffee in the mornings. You have a wonderful day today in that clean house of yours!!! I love ya!!

GREAT challenge!! It's cold outside and this coffee

Love yall,
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader
Iris Shimmer
on 11/19/08 9:21 pm
on 11/19/08 9:21 pm
Good Morning Randall,
Thank you or the reminder to "clean house". You have always been a blessing to me..even when we didn't agree. You are one person I can say that I have met that lives his faith daily. I am so happy for you and Lucy...I don't think I have told you that.
I am sippinf Mocha Java from Target this morning. Getting ready to take Bird back to the doc for a chest Xray..he had fluid in his lungs on Sunday night. If you can..remember him today.
Thank you or the reminder to "clean house". You have always been a blessing to me..even when we didn't agree. You are one person I can say that I have met that lives his faith daily. I am so happy for you and Lucy...I don't think I have told you that.
I am sippinf Mocha Java from Target this morning. Getting ready to take Bird back to the doc for a chest Xray..he had fluid in his lungs on Sunday night. If you can..remember him today.
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.

(deactivated member)
on 11/19/08 9:14 pm
on 11/19/08 9:14 pm
Wonderful post Randall. I'm full of something right now but it isn't garbage - it's more like pure, plain ole snot. Excuse my gross details. I'm so congested and everytime I have to look down or bend down - man it pours!!!!
I know, that really is disgusting. They did my blood work yesterday and my counts are good so that was very encouraging. I am on an antibiotic and all kinds of OTC drugs. Leo thinks I sound sexy with all this hoarseness going on.
Leave it to a man!!!
I love him though.
I stopped by Mickey D's and got me a cup of coffee. One of my good friends and co-workers husband died Tuesday from colon cancer. Today is his funeral so please keep Marilyn in your prayers. You and I have both been through this so we know what she's going through.
Take care everyone and its good to be able to post. I haven't been feeling up to it until today.

I stopped by Mickey D's and got me a cup of coffee. One of my good friends and co-workers husband died Tuesday from colon cancer. Today is his funeral so please keep Marilyn in your prayers. You and I have both been through this so we know what she's going through.
Take care everyone and its good to be able to post. I haven't been feeling up to it until today.

I Love You,
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader