Helping Others!!!!
Spoken With God's Eternal Love,
Your love,friendship, Cards and prayers are Welcomed.I understand your situation i have been there myself .I don't have much but at lest i have food on my table and a roof over my head and good health for now. so what little bit extra i do have i can give to someone who needs it more than me.Mom always said i would give the shirt off my back if someone needed it and so i would.
Hi Pamela,
I would as well give the shirt off my back as well.In my case I can't right now(don't have many have children so I know it can get rough but I also have known someone to be worse off then me and that is Lindy's case.I don't know alot about what is going on but I hear from the board it is bad.I trust certain people and Lindy is one of them.She asked me to keep her and her kids on the prayer list for awhile.I knew she was going through some things and didn't know the extremes and still don't but my thing is I trust someone until they show me different.Lindy has been a real good person on here and so is her son,Mason.My heart breaks for her.I am the kind that if I could help the whole world I would.I have always helped a person in need when I had it to help. We are a family on here and we come together when stuff like this happens so I commend the people who do help.God will reward you at a later time.I can testify to that! Hope you have a Blessed night as I have.
Spoken With God's Eternal Love,
I apologize that I havent gotten with you , my mom had a stroke a couple days after our PM ,,,,I wanted to comment though on this situation. I sent Julie some info and stuff for Lindy as I have know some folks in her town that has some things that may help her as well,
IT IS A SHAME that we cant be as a caring group on this site as well as weight loss assistance .
It is a SAD DAY when you have people who come on here and talk down to , call names and you can hear the hatred that they throw out in their posts to others on the board.
Being outspoken doesnt make you all big and bad ,,,Makes you look stupid actually in my opinion and AGAIN I dont have to name you . Your living in an angry world inside yourself if you always have negatve things to say about others .
I know we are supposed to love others as the Bible tells us to ,,, It also says to distance yourself and not associate with the vile as well . In my opinion if we never responded to certain ones on here who attack others with their sarcastic so called wit , then they would get tired of trying to stir up crap and go away ,,, They know who they are and if you think this is you then I bet you will reply with a negative NASTY response. I would be careful though. Someone may complain on you and you might get removed from the board as well .
Everyone cant like everyone as we all know , but asking for help for someone is NOT A BAD THING ,,, you can hel*****t .
People like to meddle in everyones business it seems . I firmly believe that when someone does that they must be a pretty lonely miserable person who needs some attention.
LORD , all she did was ask some that know a certain person if they could help. If I didnt know the person or want to , I would have ignored the post and moved on ,,I have never met the lady either but know of her situation and health issues .
If we want to nitpik, go back for the past couple of months and see if everything posted is pertaining to and correct for this board,,, ANY of the boards actually , not just this one . Good grief people, lets all grow up and leave each other alone when we are trying to help others and not tear them down .JUMP on them when they are attacking others not trying to help if you have to jump at all .