Monday Coffee Talk
Good Monday morning everybody! Time to start a new day and a new week. It is going to be a great one too. Great day and a great week! How'd ya sleep? I slept SOOOOOOO good. I didn't even wake up during the night. Nothing like a good nights sleep.
Our challenge for today is to get more active. Move to lose as someone says. We can't just have this surgery and expect the pounds and inches to disapear for ever. Sure we had the surgery to get thinner. Look better. But what about your overall health? Your activity level? What are you doing to make your heart more healthy? I've committed myself to walking every morning and ya know what? Even though I have a hard time doing this (physically), I feel good about myself. You will too. Get up and get going. Join a gym. Join the "Y". Walk in your community, THAT IS FREE! Do something. JUST MOVE! We can do this! I KNOW WE CAN!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? i'm LOVING me some Caramel Mudslide from our good friend Carmen. Thanks Carmen It sure is good. Lucy will be up in about 30 minutes and she'll enjoy it too.
Y'all have a wonderful and blessed Monday as you MOVE!!

I am up and will definately work to be more active today! I have been telling myself this for awhile now and why not start today! Thanks!
I am up and fixing to make my spiced chai latte. Then I suppose a little house cleaning before I get Dakota up for preschool.
Have a great Monday!
Have a great day and hope to see ya soon! Give Dakota a hug for us. Tell him we have our "wedding gift" from him on our dresser! It is too cute and that was SO SWEET of him!! That turtle will always be special!
Love ya!

And about the latte, I would be thrilled to serve you (and the misses, of course) one day. I love the stuff personally and found it at the Fresh Market again just recently. I was thrilled to say the least!
Love ya!
I also don't page people at work (all the time) if I can help it, I will GO TO THEM INSTEAD.
I agree with you...It's all about getting up and getting moving!
Great challenge!! I have my coffee IV hooked up and its working very good to get me awake. Have a Wonderful BLESSED day my friend!!
Love Yall,
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