It simply would not do....
It simply would not do for me to be a case worker, lawyer, judge or even sit on the jury in this case!!!!!!!!!!! A 4 year old child was found starved to death the last week here in NE Mississippi. He was living with his grandmother and aunt with 2 (or 3) other children in the home. The poor baby weighed 19 lbs. There were signs that he had been bound in another room of the home, away from the of the children. There was a copy of his life insurance policy stapled to the wall of his bedroom!!! I can not even think of anything that woudl be justice in a situation like this!! Things like this my firends is why I so want to return to college and get a degree in social work. Granted I know more often than not, the sw's hands are tied. But someone needs to be an advocate for these children!!!!! Please be in prayer for the children. No one really ever knows what is going on behind closed doors.
LAP RNY 7/7/06
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292 157 140
"I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength" Philippians 4:13
This is so sad.. you are right ..these babies needs an advocate!!
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader
Where I work, I have seen so many instances such as this. It honestly breaks my heart. Children are not treasured as they should be. They are gifts from God and they are often treated worse than animals. The "system" does not always do as it should in these cases and I have had many sleepless nights over these babies. We honestly need to pray for our courts and the leaders of our country. They need to pass more stringent laws to protect children and elderly people.
Hi Phillis
They should do them the same way they did that baby, starve them until they were just about dead and then send them to jail for the rest of their lives.What you want to bet though they will just get a slap on the wrist and let go maybe doing just a few years in jail. Our legal system is so messed up that you can murder some one and get of lighter than if you committed robbery or some other crime.
They should do them the same way they did that baby, starve them until they were just about dead and then send them to jail for the rest of their lives.What you want to bet though they will just get a slap on the wrist and let go maybe doing just a few years in jail. Our legal system is so messed up that you can murder some one and get of lighter than if you committed robbery or some other crime.