Don't FORGET....

Elle Felts
on 11/16/08 8:40 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
To keep your PETS warm tonight.....
Carmen G.
on 11/16/08 8:48 am - Lincoln, AL
Mine will be...she will be in the bed with me and John under the covers.
Elle Felts
on 11/16/08 9:28 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Whiskers will be taking Christian's spot tonight....right between me and Kyle.  When Christian sleeps with us, he sleeps on the other side of me and when Christian is not with us, he's right in the middle of us.  He used to sleep at our feet, then a few months ago he started acting really strange and weird.  I think it was the fleas making him so crazy.  We bathed, dipped and treated him and the house and he's been FINE ever since.  HE'd never had fleas before in all is 14 years so we think he just didn't know how to handle the situation.  It's all under control now we think and he's back to his old normal self.
on 11/16/08 9:08 am - Alabama, AL
Awww...critters are so sweet! You know me and my animals! Bird will be just fine. He sleeps in my bedroom in a cage with a heating pad on top of it and covered with a blanket. He is quiet toasty! Cat on the other hand, sleeps where he decides he will sleep. Usually on
someones pillow.

But...the sweeting thing---this evening after getting home from work, I decided to scrub my birds big daytime cage--so I took it out on the patio. Got it all scrubbed and while I was waiting on it to dry, I put out a gallon of corn for the "deer." We have two mommas and three babies that come up in the mornings and eveings in the back yard. I had just gotten back in the house with the bird cage when I looked out to see the deer out there having their dinner. They must have been standing off in the woods waiting on me to get back in the house so they could come eat. I quietly walked back out on the patio and sat for about 15 minutes watching them eat. They are skiddish, but have learned that the people in this house will not hurt them. They know we put the corn and water out for them.

Not to metion the birds, the squirrels,the rabbits, the racoons, the possums and darn them, the coyotes. Unfortunately for the coyotes, they are not so welcome and quiet a few of them have met their demise in our efforts to protect our domestic animals and the deer.....

Oh well...back to ironing the scrubs.


Elle Felts
on 11/16/08 9:26 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Do you live out in the woods?  Sure sounds like it.  I wish you could take some pictures of those animal and post.  I would love to see them.  BIRD, CAT and all.
on 11/16/08 9:44 am - Alabama, AL
Woods it is! There is a HUGE cotton field that meets our back yard and tons of woods all around. Our street is a dead end with only four houses on it.....

Here's Bird.... Photobucket


Elle Felts
on 11/16/08 9:46 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Awwwwwwww. what a PRETTY BIRD!
on 11/16/08 2:25 pm - Tuscaloosa, AL
Hug sleeps in every night.  She is more prone to getting too hot than too  cold.  She loves this kind of weather.  Dad called tonight and he is leaving the leaves in the yard for her at his house.  She loves playing in the leaves.  She hunts in them, makes beds in them and generally spends at much time as she can playing in the leaves.  He said he would leave them until after Christmas, then cut them up with the lawn mower.  Hug will be so happy. - glitter text
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