Pet Lovers...Our Pets
Someone asked to see a picture of our Border Collie, Skeeter (yes, she was named before we got her). She is 10 years old. She is the most gentle mild mannered dog you will EVER meet.
This is Skeeter
And this is Alex and Princess. And yes she is and yes she does. (she IS the princes and she DOES rule the house)!! HA
Good night and we love you all......
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

I was the one who wanted to see your border collie...I just love that breed so much and hope to have one some day (when I finish school and have the time to devote to a dog),
I just have to brag on my furbabies too!
Jasmine is my husband's cat (a blue point siamese...if only you could see her blue eyes)

And Shadow is my kitty...a short haired persian/siamese mix.

Those are my babies! We adore them!
I just have to brag on my furbabies too!
Jasmine is my husband's cat (a blue point siamese...if only you could see her blue eyes)

And Shadow is my kitty...a short haired persian/siamese mix.

Those are my babies! We adore them!