WHATCHA' doing...
Been cleaning house. We hve tog o clean the offices in a few then I plan to go get a few things at the store. The Georgia/auburn game is on right now. GO DOGS!!!!!!!!
LAP RNY 7/7/06
Highest Current Goal
292 157 140
"I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength" Philippians 4:13
Awwww, Thanks! Yours is beautiful too! We are watching MSU?Alabama now, Those dogs aren't gettin' em....
. Those biys sure msut have heart to keep on goin ' after the season they ahve had (or should I say seasons).

LAP RNY 7/7/06
Highest Current Goal
292 157 140
"I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength" Philippians 4:13
I have GOT to get to shopping some. I have so much to do and so little time to do it in. I have already gotten Christian's gifts and 1 gift each for the girls, but that's it. I don't know what I'm going to do. I really need to sit down and make out a list and get started little by little. I dread getting out after Thanksgiving and shopping. Ugh...... I used to love it, but am dreading it this year. We have so many more to buy for this year too. I wish I were crafty enough to make things like some of the others here. I'm just NOT crafty or have the patience for making things. I think Jill is through with her shopping already.
Well, I finished up getting Mr. Michael's gifts today. I will be taking his gifts with me to the facility this upcoming week when I travel to LA. Everything is from "SANTA" except for one gift which is from a Secret Pal.
I haven't done well on getting all of my Christmas shopping finished either. I know what I need to get, but I am not close to being finished.
I have my Mom's completely finished. I got a really good deal on several pieces of Vera Bradley for a little of nothing on-line!!!
I have my Aunts and Jessie's teachers, therapists and bus drivers taken care of. That's all I have done...I have so much more to do.
I haven't done well on getting all of my Christmas shopping finished either. I know what I need to get, but I am not close to being finished.
I have my Mom's completely finished. I got a really good deal on several pieces of Vera Bradley for a little of nothing on-line!!!
I have my Aunts and Jessie's teachers, therapists and bus drivers taken care of. That's all I have done...I have so much more to do.