Thursday Coffee Talk

I have a personal request today for the challenge. I never do this in the challenge, but here goes. I'm having problems with my blood sugar. It spikes VERY high. It has been almost 500 several times this week. Could you keep me in your thoughts and prayers? I am also having an epidural this morning to relieve some pressure and pain in my hips and legs. When this is done, I will be able to walk farther w/o my legs feeling so heavy and my hips hurting as much. I would appreciate it and your prayers are VERY appreciated.
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm LOVING some Trader Joe's Caramel Organic Coffee that Dayner Dee sent Lucy and I as a wedding gift. Thank you Dana. It sure is good! She also sent us some organic grits. I can't wait to try those!

You are in my thoughts and prayers for your BS to level out and for this epidural to be a success. It's cold and rainy here this am, this coffee sure hits the spot. Have a Wonderful BLESSED day my friend!!
Love Yall,
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader
Oh Randall, I didn't realize that you were having health problems. I will certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope that you get your blood sugar under control. I also pray that your epidural goes well and that you experience relief from it.
I usually sleep like a rock, but last night I was up several times. I don't know why I kept waking up but I also had a hard time getting back to sleep so I got up and read for a little bit. It seemed to help. I usually don't have that problem and can get back to sleep quickly if I wake up.
You are always drinking something that sounds delicious. I am having a latte this morning. It sure if good too. I enjoy having an espresso/cappucino machine at home. We use it everyday.
Have a superb day!