your 401K
Is anyone else watching their 401K just run away from them????
I get so angry every day I find myself watching my 401K just disappear.
Then watch on the news about how they want to help out BIG BUSINESS
I understand that they are all publicly traded companies that's why the bail outs so that small investors do not lose their life savings, but give me a break what about those of us *****ly on our 401 K to see us through retirement.
This is how bad it is: I have lost a year off my retirement. I have to work at least another year to replace the money I have lost. I am torn between heartbreak and anger.
Somebody anybody please enlighten me
Hello, I am in sympathy with you, as I too have lost money with my thrift savings plan with the governement. Makes me mad when the politicians want to help big brother, but what about us little folks who support everyone, what about us, who is going to take care of us when we have no money to even buy medicines or pay the utilities....I get angry also. Wish the politicians would leave my money and everyone elses money alone, I bet they dont' lose anything!
Good to hear from someone else who feels the same way. I want to retire in 4 yrs, but if the economy continues like it is, I will have to wor****il I am 80! Ever seen an 80 yr old dental assistant? I can see me now,walking up the hall with my walker with the basket on the front!
From what I have been told, is to sit tight, do nothing with your retirement, as it will spring back when these fools get thier act together and get our ecomomy back in order.
Lets pray that happens! God bless you. Farmgirl58
Good to hear from someone else who feels the same way. I want to retire in 4 yrs, but if the economy continues like it is, I will have to wor****il I am 80! Ever seen an 80 yr old dental assistant? I can see me now,walking up the hall with my walker with the basket on the front!
From what I have been told, is to sit tight, do nothing with your retirement, as it will spring back when these fools get thier act together and get our ecomomy back in order.
Lets pray that happens! God bless you. Farmgirl58
It has been miserable watching our retirement go down the drain. We have moved quite a lot over into more stable investments for now, but really took a hit in this terrible market. Hopefully the economy will turn around and we will be able to recoup some of the loses. Not holding my breath though.
<~~ my retirement

I actually believe that this has nothing to do with who's president but rather who's running these large companies and them biting off more than they can chew.
I am a realist and know that things will get real bad then slowly climb up but how many people will lose everything before things climb up? I have lost a year off my retirement already.
I am a realist and know that things will get real bad then slowly climb up but how many people will lose everything before things climb up? I have lost a year off my retirement already.
I am not happy with the economic situation, either. I would like to retire, but cannot because of debts and limited retirement. What is really getting to me is that my social security will be reduced because I have another retirement plan. I don't think I should have to pay for the people who don't work. I am always torn between the fact that there are so many people in this country who are on a free ride that I am having to pay for and that if someone doesn't pay, then kids will go hungary. However, most of these folks are not spending it on their children anyway. I check out behind them in grocery stores and see what they buy....little of it is good food for children.
Exactly, My favor part is standing in line for gas and the person in front of me is buying cokes and chips and crap food with their food coupons. Or when you see someone holding a sign asking for a handout....What I don't get is if they go to a temp agency they can make $10.00 an hour holding signs for businesses.
I truly pray for this country....I am sick of people blaming others for their own failures.
It's not up to the rich to bail out the poor and it's not up to the middle class to carry the weight of the financial world.
Well I lost another 180.00 over I guess I should just withdraw my money and throw it out a 30 story building see where it lands and give it to people who are headed to work.
I truly pray for this country....I am sick of people blaming others for their own failures.
It's not up to the rich to bail out the poor and it's not up to the middle class to carry the weight of the financial world.
Well I lost another 180.00 over I guess I should just withdraw my money and throw it out a 30 story building see where it lands and give it to people who are headed to work.