Ouch!!! TMI
I don't feel so well! I woke up at 2:00am, needing to go teetee. Oh My Mercy!! I don't remember drinking glass!! But I swear I am peeing shards of it!!! Ouch!!! I have another UTI, I am sure of it( first one in a while, thank goodness)!! It hurts to teetee, and it hurts when I don't teetee. I took some AZO at 2:00, so far no relief. Will be calling my pcp and begging for some meds. I am pretty sure I can't get in to see him today (his rncp left about 2 weeks agao so he is flying solo right now). I hope if I plee my case they will at least run a UA and give me some meds. In the mean time, any suggestions to help this?? I feel the urge to go teetee about every 10 minutes. It is pure torture!!!
LAP RNY 7/7/06
Highest Current Goal
292 157 140
"I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength" Philippians 4:13
I suffer from chronic recurrent UTI's so I know how you are feeling. Double up on the AZO if it's not helping and stay on your doctor about getting in to see him/her today. It only takes seconds to run a UA and another couple of minutes to write you a couple of scripts. Be persistent. If your doctor can't see y ou, is there a "doc in a box" center near you? One of those walk-in centers? They sure come in handy when you can't see your regular doctor. Or you might try calling a urologist if your insurance doesn't require a referral. When I have a UTI, I will do whatever it takes to be seen.


Praying you heal quickly Phyllis. UTI are very painful!! Have a Wonderful BLESSED night!!
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader
A little late chiming in here, but one thing that will help with the pain sometimes is to sit in a warm bathtub for a few minutes before you try to urniate. It helps to relax the ureter/bladder and makes it a little more comfortable--but ultimately, if it is infection, you need antibiotics.
Good Luck!
Good Luck!
Thanks guys! I have had a couple of the pills that are suppose to help relax the bladder. I feel a little better right now. At least I don't want to go every 15 minutes. Just took my second antibiotic, hopefully things will be even better in the morning.
LAP RNY 7/7/06
Highest Current Goal
292 157 140
"I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength" Philippians 4:13