It has been requested that I continue
Secret Pal is:
Once we establish a day to begin and the people who want to participate in secret pal, I will draw names on (probably) or some program such as that to match up the pals. You do not know who is sending you gifts each month, but you should get a gift each month. This will last for 6 months. The gift is due to be sent by the 15th of each month and must be at least $10.00. You can also send cards or ecards throughout the month. It is a lot of fun, but when you sign up, you must be willing to commit to the program for 6 months. When you sign up, I will send you the rules. I will also send an information sheet.
Once we establish a day to begin and the people who want to participate in secret pal, I will draw names on (probably) or some program such as that to match up the pals. You do not know who is sending you gifts each month, but you should get a gift each month. This will last for 6 months. The gift is due to be sent by the 15th of each month and must be at least $10.00. You can also send cards or ecards throughout the month. It is a lot of fun, but when you sign up, you must be willing to commit to the program for 6 months. When you sign up, I will send you the rules. I will also send an information sheet.

Please know that I too think you would be an awesome leader for the next round of SP...if I haven't already told you?
I AGREE...if you cannot COMMITT to the SP rounds, then you should not sign up. It isn't fair to those who HAVE committed if you have those who slack or cannot do their part.
I sign up because I love to give. It thrills me to SEE the post from my SP that says THANK YOU SP or I Got a Gift from My SP. It also gives me a reason to shop!!!