Monday's Quote for the Day~Are You A Giver?
Good Morning Sunshine!!
Great quote and challenge my friend!! I have chosen my families already and working on there holiday BLESSINGS. What an AWESOME time of favorite!!
Have a Wonderful BLESSED Day my dear sweet friend!!
Love You,

Great quote and challenge my friend!! I have chosen my families already and working on there holiday BLESSINGS. What an AWESOME time of favorite!!
Have a Wonderful BLESSED Day my dear sweet friend!!
Love You,

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I've finished my nursing home resident. I haven't started my single parent yet. This one's going to be tough to be discreet, so I think I am going to get a few gift cards and put them in the mail to her. I don't want to forget "Mom", so I think I will go to some place like Victoria's Secret or Bath & Body for her. I can remember as a single parent worrying about my children so much that I wouldn't do anything for myself...I want her to "do" for herself too!
Our support group, Weigh Down adopted a family for Christmas and I am excited about all the wonderful things this family in need is going to have. Without our help, they wouldn't be having much of a Christmas.
Giving makes me feel good in my heart, so I know it's definitely the right thing to do. I should give more, but things are tight right now. Maybe if I made a few sacrifices I would be able to give more. I have been so blessed in my life, and I should be spreading those wonderful blessings around more often. Thanks for the reminder that we should give, not just physical things, but we can give of ourselves too.
Giving makes me feel good in my heart, so I know it's definitely the right thing to do. I should give more, but things are tight right now. Maybe if I made a few sacrifices I would be able to give more. I have been so blessed in my life, and I should be spreading those wonderful blessings around more often. Thanks for the reminder that we should give, not just physical things, but we can give of ourselves too.

Your message hit home this morning. I was thinking last night about how I needed to double up on my giving this Christmas. It's hard to do when youre on such a limited income. But I've got it better than so many others. I don't have any little ones to buy for(cats don't expect Christmas presents, every day is Christmas for them)I do have a job and great health so I have been so blessed. I personally need to not limit myself to giving at Christmas. We've got so many people hurting out in our area.
Now on a lighter side. What have I been giving lately. I have shared my upper respertory infection, fondly know as the crud, with several people. I have given lots of people a piece of my mind. If fact I've given so much I have very little mind left. And last but not least I've given all the kids on my school bus a hard time. Does any of this qualify as giving??????????
I will try to do better. Love to all. Miss Mary
Now on a lighter side. What have I been giving lately. I have shared my upper respertory infection, fondly know as the crud, with several people. I have given lots of people a piece of my mind. If fact I've given so much I have very little mind left. And last but not least I've given all the kids on my school bus a hard time. Does any of this qualify as giving??????????
I will try to do better. Love to all. Miss Mary
Oh Mrs. Jackie,
I just love you! You are such a wise and WONDERFUL woman! I myself am a giver.I always have been.I was constantly told by many that I need to focus on my self every once in a while because if I can't take care of me who will? Then I wouldn't have anybody to take care of my 5 children.I always thought of others needs before my own.I still sometimes do but I did have to take the advice of my doc although it took some years to instill in my head that if I can't take care of me who will take care of my kids? I have even gone as far as volunteering to many places around the holiday even if I don't have money to give.I volunteer my time.I have helped serve food to many homeless at the salvation army.I always give unwanted clothes and canned goods to places that will take them.My DH always says I have a big heart (I do have an enlarged heart).... LOL.So always remember when you don't have the money to give there is always time and your heart and canned goods that will feed the hungry.Or maybe you can invite someone over for CHRISTmas dinner who won't be able to share a dinner with anyone else.A lonely person or someone who can't afford dinner.Hope you have a Blessed Day my friend!
Spoken With God's Amazing Love,
I just love you! You are such a wise and WONDERFUL woman! I myself am a giver.I always have been.I was constantly told by many that I need to focus on my self every once in a while because if I can't take care of me who will? Then I wouldn't have anybody to take care of my 5 children.I always thought of others needs before my own.I still sometimes do but I did have to take the advice of my doc although it took some years to instill in my head that if I can't take care of me who will take care of my kids? I have even gone as far as volunteering to many places around the holiday even if I don't have money to give.I volunteer my time.I have helped serve food to many homeless at the salvation army.I always give unwanted clothes and canned goods to places that will take them.My DH always says I have a big heart (I do have an enlarged heart).... LOL.So always remember when you don't have the money to give there is always time and your heart and canned goods that will feed the hungry.Or maybe you can invite someone over for CHRISTmas dinner who won't be able to share a dinner with anyone else.A lonely person or someone who can't afford dinner.Hope you have a Blessed Day my friend!
Spoken With God's Amazing Love,