There is TOTAL silence.....

Elle Felts
on 11/8/08 7:41 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL my house....with the exception of the clacking of the keyboard.  It's so quite.  It sounds so good.  What are you all doing tonight???
on 11/8/08 7:45 am - Nappy Valley , AL
nothing maybe some kind of board game with the kiddos later, but right now we are just finishing supper
Elle Felts
on 11/8/08 7:47 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Like the new avatar Jeannie.  Have fun with the kiddos tonight.
on 11/8/08 7:52 am - Alabama, AL
Sometimes...silence is Golden!

Hope you have a had a good day!

Mine has been fun. Started early this morning by getting out and getting a new battery for the car. That should be good for a few years now! The off to work. I worked until after 3:00 this afternoon then---I met a friend for dinner at RED LOBSTER. Now that was a dinner. Actually it was a lunch/dinner combo...and I am stuffed.

I am home now...showered and just relaxing.

Hannah is here so I expect her to ask for a bath and her pajamas just anytime. She is such a sweetie...I just love that little girl! you have a fun night...I am going to go and relax a bit....



Elle Felts
on 11/8/08 8:00 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL

I'm already in my flannels myself.  Nice and warm.  Red Lobster sounds yummy.

Give that sweet  Hannah a warm hug from me to her.  I hope ya'll have a wonderful evening at home as well.  You are right....sometimes.....SILENCE IS GOLDEN! It feels really good right now.  It's been a LONG time since it's been THIS QUIET in the house.

Iris Shimmer
on 11/8/08 8:05 am
In a bit I will be headed out to my friends house for a bonfire!! I am rarely off on a SAturday night I plan to hang out and have fun!!

A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.



Elle Felts
on 11/8/08 8:12 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL

A bonfire sounds like a lot of fun.  I missed our church's bonfire and hayride at the Fall Festival a couple  of weeks ago when I was sick.

I hope you have fun and enjoy yourself.

Linda H.
on 11/8/08 8:05 am - Madison, AL
Hey Elle,

We are home from a long day.  Frankie had a soccer tournament this morning at 8am.  We got home ate lunch and then I took Chris to the carnival at his school.  Now we are home and I am just checking the boards on the computer.  My hubby is due home aroun 8pm from work. 

It is not silent here.  Frankie is playing the play station 3 and you would think he was deaf, he has it up loud.  Chris is playing on the play station 2 downstairs.  If only they knew what they were getting for Christmas they would be jumping for joy.  God has blessed our children over and over again.  With my last paycheck we managed to get most of their Christmas.  It is for them to share.  They have no clue and I can't wait to see the look on their faces Christmas morning. 

Have a great evening...

Elle Felts
on 11/8/08 8:18 am - TUSCALOOSA, AL
Oh my, I haven't really even started on Christmas yet.  I do have one item for Christian and I do have 1 item each for the girls and that's' ALL I've done towards Christmas shopping.  It's going to be fair to middling this Christmas.  I know I say that every year, but God DOES always provide.  It's just not going to be everything they want this year and it's been that way a few years at that.  Jill has a great start on her Christmas shopping already.  I am amazed by how sweet and generous she's being.  She' bought Christian a new pair of sneakers today for his birthday  and bought Holly a pair for Christmas.  She also got Holly a nice pair of earrings she'd heard that Holly said she wanted.  Jill works SO HARD for her money.  That girl works TWO JOBS and is only 17.  She will be `18 in just one month.  She's becoming quite a lady.  I am ever so proud of her and for earning her own wages.  She asks very little of us and she understands that we have to help out Holly, Beau and Christian a lot.  She will clean the house without me even having to ask her anymore.  She's truly been such a blessing lately.  I think this boyfriend she has now has made a good impact on her.  It's so nice to see her so happy.

Anyway, thank you for letting me ramble.
Linda H.
on 11/8/08 8:23 am - Madison, AL
Sounds like Jill takes after her mother.  I know how kind and generous you are, you have taught her well.  Wow, 2 jobs.  Frank works 2 jobs too.  Bless his heart he is so tired, but it pays for our gas.  It takes him and now me 35 to 40 minutes to get to work.  Sounds  like Jill has a headstart on Christmas.  God will provide for all of us.  You know that grandson of yours is going to be spoiled at Christmas time.  I always spoil Ethan and now we have the twins (Brendan and Brody).  The twins will only be 6 months old, but they will be spoiled too.  Ethan is 2 and I can't wait to watch him open his presents. 

Take care,
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