Always check your childs homework...
too cute Gail

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Off topic just a little Gail....
One of my friends got a call from the school saying there was an "emergency" teacher-parent meeting. He had to leave work. He gets to school and the teacher throws out this drawing of a stick figure with a big green line in the crotch area. Now mind you, this kid was in kindergarten. The teacher wanted to know what kind of parents the child had because he was drawing stick figures with green um, appendages (now there's a good word, lol). Anyway, the parents bring the child home and question him about his stickmen. Do you know what the green thing was???? Drumroll please....a ZIPPER! That teacher needs to get her mind out of the gutter.
One of my friends got a call from the school saying there was an "emergency" teacher-parent meeting. He had to leave work. He gets to school and the teacher throws out this drawing of a stick figure with a big green line in the crotch area. Now mind you, this kid was in kindergarten. The teacher wanted to know what kind of parents the child had because he was drawing stick figures with green um, appendages (now there's a good word, lol). Anyway, the parents bring the child home and question him about his stickmen. Do you know what the green thing was???? Drumroll please....a ZIPPER! That teacher needs to get her mind out of the gutter.