WOW!!! Almost like the Auburn/Alabama game.
Why is there so much tension and even name calling in places today??? I was excited to see all of the voters turn out, but now this reminds me of the Auburn/Alabama game. People are turning on each other because they are not voting for "their" candidate. I just don't understand. I don't get upset with football either, (Unless it is with Clyde V.
). I realize that this is much more important than a football game, but that is what it seems like to me. A rivalry of political parties. You know matter who wins, we will all still be living in the same country and we should not allow this to happen. We should ALL pull together. Is this election going to split the country??? Remember 911?? That was the closest I have seen the country in ages. I guess I am just sad because I was so excited and now, even in my office today, people are wanting to make derogatory remarks about both candidates. I really wi**** would stop. I love you all!!!!

BUT... if something good comes from this, I believe it is that MORE AND MORE people voted than ever before. Hmmm, maybe people do CARE. At least people feel passionate about something and it is our Country and it's leadership. I can remember voting 8 years ago and there was NO LINE or wait.
Several people in my line were Hispanic. They were so excited because they had become citizens and were voting for the first time. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling!
Love ya, Nanci
Several people in my line were Hispanic. They were so excited because they had become citizens and were voting for the first time. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling!
Love ya, Nanci