Our Prayer and Prayer list
Will You Please Pray with me today?
Dear God,Our Heavenly Father,
I come to you today to pray for Nathan as you know Father God he is going through a rough time with an abusive father and step mother.I know God you WILL take care of your son and protect him from all evil,I also pray Susan Mota and her family as you know she and her family are going through a rough time and she is still committed and faithful to You o Lord,Just lift her in Your Loving Arms,God and take care of her and her family for I KNOW you will.Bless her with Your Love as she spreads on the CHRISTmas spirit to the needy families while she serves You,I want to pray for Carmen as You know what her struggles are with work and what routes to take.You KNOW what Your Will is for her,God please guide her in Your direction on what You think is best for her,help her soon with a decision,I also pray for her son's friend Jeffrey and family who was in Iraq and had to come home to be with his sick wife and unborn child,I am asking that you watch over this family please You know their needs,I am also coming to You on praying for our military men and women and for those fighting for our country.They are out there risking their lives for us,to which they could not be selfish for risking their lives for ours,I also lift in prayers this election coming up for God I know You will put in office who You see fit to be president of our country.I also know it is Your Will to put whichever person in office to see that he runs this country on Your Will and what is best for this country,I am also praying for Julie and Mawmaw as they make a journey down the path You decide to take them.I am so Blessed You have brought them in my path,I pray whatever Your will is for this family and whatever road you take them down it will only make them grow more in faith with You and make them stronger than before,I pray that you continue to watch over Debbiedoo too as she goes through this cancer stuff,I know You have a Will for her whatever it may be help her grow strong in Your faith.I am going to continue to pray for those who have unspoken prayers.God I know You are so faithful and You listen to all of our prayers and You know what each of us need as well.I pray that every one be just as Blessed as You have Blessed me,Lord. In God's Gracious Name I Pray,Amen!
Prayer List:
Our Military
Susan Mota and Family
Jeffrey and Family (unborn baby child of God)
Election of the New President
Julie Campbell
Mawmaw(Norma Suddeth)