Monday Coffee Talk

Randall Culpepper
on 10/26/08 8:34 pm - Guntersville, AL
WOW!  Can you believe it is Monday already?  Where did  the weekend go? HAHA!  It just zapped right on past us.  It was a good one though.  How are ya this morning?  I'm good and I slept like a rock.  Today is going to be the best day of my life.  I just feel it.  How about you? 

Our challenge for today is to be an awesome individual.  You are you but did you know you can be a better you?  You have room for improvement.  Lord knows I sure have my room of improvement to work on.  There is no perfect person.  We all can be a better person.  I challenge you today to work on your weak areas and improve them.  Lets all be the better us that we can be.  I know we can!  Are you with me? 

So, who's up this morning?  What cha sipping on?  I'm loving me some more of that plain ole joe but it sure is good!  Gotta love it this morning. 

Y'all have a wonderful self improvement Monday and be blessed!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

happy girl
on 10/26/08 9:14 pm - Pensacola, FL
I sure need a whole lotta improvement, but I am up for this challenge! 
I WANT to be the better person.  I WANT to LOVE when I feel like being mean.   And boy, is this a tough one for me because that old man sneaks up on me easily!!!
I am sippin' on plain joe with Peppermint Mocha. 
Happy Monday to ya! 


Randall Culpepper
on 10/26/08 9:20 pm - Guntersville, AL
Good morning my friend.  Yepppers, he will sneak up on ya, but Love chases him off.  HEHEHE  I have plenty of room for this work out too.  Love ya and happy Monday to you too! 
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

happy girl
on 10/26/08 9:28 pm - Pensacola, FL
 BTW...I LOVE your Medicine quotes! 


Randall Culpepper
on 10/27/08 12:37 am - Guntersville, AL
Thanks!  I do too. 
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

*~ Dayner Dee ~*
on 10/26/08 9:21 pm - East Burbs, MN
Morning Randall ~

What an awesome challenge!!  Thanks!

Wishing you a wonderfully blessed day!



Randall Culpepper
on 10/27/08 12:37 am - Guntersville, AL
You have a blessed day too my friend!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

on 10/26/08 9:27 pm - Daphne, AL
My weekend was spectucular!  We took our 3yo granddaughter to the pumpkin patch yesterday and she had a blast!  Weekends never seem long enough, do they?

I'm with ya on the challenge.  There is always room for improvement, especially on a  Today, I am the light that shines in my office.  People are going to wonder what the heck is up with me cuz I'm going to be riding so high and shining my light on everyone (to make them feel as awesome as I feel today).  My added goal is to pay it forward...see how many people's day I change lift up and make better.

I'm sippin on my espresso.  It's particularly good this morning.  I have a full plate at work this week so I better get my booty in gear and try to get in early if I can.

Have a spectacular day!




Randall Culpepper
on 10/27/08 12:39 am - Guntersville, AL
Sounds like you DID have a great weekend. 

I like your added goal!  Kudos to you!!  I think I will join ya.

Have a great Monday and be blessed my friend!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

Vickie G.
on 10/26/08 9:45 pm, edited 10/26/08 9:45 pm - AL
Are Ya trying to lay a guilt trip on me ?? Hoping you won't have to endure 5 more days as Elvis as your punishment ? I will try real hard . Will I post ? Hummmmmmmm I am now in deep thoughtLove you guys !! Hope you do have a Fabulous day !!3D Prom Queen

Nothing tastes as good as being thinner feels.

I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing.

"Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off the goal." 









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