Secret Pal
WalMart gift card!!!! Sounds like you have a good secret pal. Want me to go help you spend it? I went thru Tuscaloosa yesterday about 11am and then again about 2:30. I thought about calling but figured that you were still at school. I drove about 400 miles yesterday but it was well worth it. Got to spend several days with one of those precious little fellow of mine
I am MAD at YOU.....I got off at 3:15. I could of left early to meet you if you'd called. Grrrrrrrr.......
Yes, I have a WONDERFUL secret pal. I've got the nicest gifts. The giftcards have been awesome. The movies, Chik fi la, and now Walmart. I'm just beside myself with excitement. I never knew what fun giftcards could be. I'm LOVING this. I'm being spoiled that's for sure. This for sure has been yet another answer to prayer. I can get ANYTHING I need at WM and I'm thinking right now groceries will be my choice. It's been a rough month with all the bills, the girls cars repairs and trying to get shoes and clothes for Christian for winter. God has answered prayer this week. I just have to PRAISE Him tonight for his blessings.
Yes, I have a WONDERFUL secret pal. I've got the nicest gifts. The giftcards have been awesome. The movies, Chik fi la, and now Walmart. I'm just beside myself with excitement. I never knew what fun giftcards could be. I'm LOVING this. I'm being spoiled that's for sure. This for sure has been yet another answer to prayer. I can get ANYTHING I need at WM and I'm thinking right now groceries will be my choice. It's been a rough month with all the bills, the girls cars repairs and trying to get shoes and clothes for Christian for winter. God has answered prayer this week. I just have to PRAISE Him tonight for his blessings.
Dang wish I had called now. We sure could have had an afternoon of fun. After stopping in Birmingham at the Summitt I realized that I had to get back to Oxford before the pharmacy closed as I would be out of my blood pressure meds. Made it just in time.
I so hope that I will not be making to many more of those trips. Darryl has sent in his resume for a job in Alphretta, Ga, that would be just a couple of hours for me to go and get those little fellows.
I so hope that I will not be making to many more of those trips. Darryl has sent in his resume for a job in Alphretta, Ga, that would be just a couple of hours for me to go and get those little fellows.