Kindergarterner brings drugs to school in Ozark
In this article a 5 year old brought a bag of marijuana to school in his bag. A teacher found it and called the SRO. The parents were arrested for child endangerment and other charges and the little child was placed in custody of DHR and then released to a family member. The parents are under $10,000 bonds.
Thi**** home with with me because I realize how impressionable my grandkids are. What if this had been one of them and they had been influenced by an older child and did not know what the stuff was?????
As it turns out the ringleader influenced the others to help her.
Some, not all, parents are not teaching their kids properly at home these days.
What is this world coming to?
I have a grandchild (as you know

Aunt Mary, THAT is what I am talking about. They KNOW they can get away with it.
Now my grandson is not a bad child but he likes to flap his gums just like his Mama did when she first went to school. Bob gave the teacher permission to paddle her little patootie and that stopped her whispering and talking in class. Mr Jordan is a different story. After his Mama got the third call she went to the school. She told the teacher to paddle his little bottom to make him be quiet. She was told NO, that was CHILD ABUSE. HUHH???? Kecia said that she would do it herself if they would bring him out of class. She was told absolutely not on school property and if she did she would be arrested. So she signed him out and took him across the road for a spanking. That lasted 2 years.
Now we are 3rd grade and the talking has started again. The same school has informed them that NO the school can not paddle Jordan and if they (parents) do it on school property or within sight of the school they will be arrested for child abuse. THIS is one of the reasons why kids are getting mean. They can holler those 2 magic words.
Now what about the really mean kids? I was simply talking about a little kid with a motor mouth. Aunt Mary I would not have your job for all the tea in China. My hat is off to you