Putting out an APB
Hi there my precious Little-Ladybug friend.
I am back. Richard's aunt died suddenly on Monday and we had to head to Samson on Wednsday for the wake and the funeral on Thursday. I had doctor appointments scheduled Tuesday and Wednesday morning and a hair appointment Thursday afternoon that was changed to after my Wednesday doctor appointment and they to make sure everything at work was done...
I didn't have time to breathe!!! I had to make sure everything was prepared (registrations, checks deposited, and all the behind the scene paperwork, etc...for a retreat that is bring held at Ft. Mitchell this weekend by our office. It wasn't a good time to take off, but it was Aunt Nette's time and when God calls, we have to go.
The service was one of the most beautiful and personal I have ever been to...she had always wanted to sing in church and she sang with her daughter in March (they didn't know she was ready to sing that night until the last minute) and they had someone doing some filming of her grandson for a high school graduation cd they were making nfor him. Anyway, the woman doing the filming filmed Aunt Nette singing for the first time in church. They played that film at the end of the funeral and the song she sang (don't remember the exact name) but it was something like...The next time you see me, I will be in the Land of Glory!! I had chill bumps. It was definitely a God thing. Her daughter sang a song she always said she wanted to her sing at her funeral...dont' even remember the words now, but it was beautiful and she sounded great and then when it was over her legs went out from under her on the way back to her seat...fortunately her husband ws close enough to catch her. Everyone who spoke knew her so well. It was a very satisfying funeral in that it was definitely a celebration of her life here and the new wonderful life she is living now for eternity...yet it was very emotional...my mil passed out 4 times in three day...once when she first saw her and the last time when she had to say good-bye for the last time before they shut the coffin. When she passed out...she wouldn't breathe and when you would try to get her to, she was shake her head NO...she didn't want to come back!!! That was scary...especially since she has just had 5...yes five stents put in in the last two month! There was a doctor there, who checked her out...thank the Lord. Then the son, about 44 and he was her baby who is over 6' 5" couldn't get his legs to work and they had to help him up and over to say good bye...he went down on the way to the grave...she was buried in the cemetery behind the church.
Again, it was beautiful but very, very emotionally draining on every one. I am glad to be back. Am trying to catch up with my work. Looks like I've been gone a week instead of two days.!!
Now, why are you looking for me!!! Bet you wish you hadn't asked.
Love you.
I am back. Richard's aunt died suddenly on Monday and we had to head to Samson on Wednsday for the wake and the funeral on Thursday. I had doctor appointments scheduled Tuesday and Wednesday morning and a hair appointment Thursday afternoon that was changed to after my Wednesday doctor appointment and they to make sure everything at work was done...
The service was one of the most beautiful and personal I have ever been to...she had always wanted to sing in church and she sang with her daughter in March (they didn't know she was ready to sing that night until the last minute) and they had someone doing some filming of her grandson for a high school graduation cd they were making nfor him. Anyway, the woman doing the filming filmed Aunt Nette singing for the first time in church. They played that film at the end of the funeral and the song she sang (don't remember the exact name) but it was something like...The next time you see me, I will be in the Land of Glory!! I had chill bumps. It was definitely a God thing. Her daughter sang a song she always said she wanted to her sing at her funeral...dont' even remember the words now, but it was beautiful and she sounded great and then when it was over her legs went out from under her on the way back to her seat...fortunately her husband ws close enough to catch her. Everyone who spoke knew her so well. It was a very satisfying funeral in that it was definitely a celebration of her life here and the new wonderful life she is living now for eternity...yet it was very emotional...my mil passed out 4 times in three day...once when she first saw her and the last time when she had to say good-bye for the last time before they shut the coffin. When she passed out...she wouldn't breathe and when you would try to get her to, she was shake her head NO...she didn't want to come back!!! That was scary...especially since she has just had 5...yes five stents put in in the last two month! There was a doctor there, who checked her out...thank the Lord. Then the son, about 44 and he was her baby who is over 6' 5" couldn't get his legs to work and they had to help him up and over to say good bye...he went down on the way to the grave...she was buried in the cemetery behind the church.
Again, it was beautiful but very, very emotionally draining on every one. I am glad to be back. Am trying to catch up with my work. Looks like I've been gone a week instead of two days.!!
Now, why are you looking for me!!! Bet you wish you hadn't asked.
Love you.
Because you were gone and I did not know where to find you!!! I have to see your face on the boards at least every day or two. Did you get my message about a new (old) person who is inquiring about out support group,. I said new (old) because she came to the group when Angelia was in charge a time or two. She was denied for surgery and stopped coming. She now has a date and is very interested in joining us again. I told her I would tell you. Her name is Beverly. ALSO.....There is talk of another cruise. I have talked my sweet, sweet hubby into going. Now let's talk your sweet, sweet hubby into going!!!!
Yes I did get your message and Julie pm'd me too, but my life is as always...crazy...even more so these days and I haven't had time to breathe!!!! Calgon take me away!!!
I hope Beverly is reading this, I will try to post to her when we have the next meeting. We discussed not having an August meeting. Gas is so high, there aren't many of us who have been coming and Sandy and Bill will be in ALASKA!!!! Mostly, I need a break from a some of my responsibilities. We were talking about waiting until Sept. to meet, but we have the room available if we want to meet...let me know what you and Jimmycan do. I did suggest that we take turns for a while with the meetings. Lee said she wouldn't mind taking one and Joe...bless his heart...said send me the info and I will handle one...but I would have to plan it and get it together for him. The talking at the meeting is the easiest part. The figuring out what to talk about and getting the meeting together is the part I wanted help with!! I know, you can't imagine me not having a problem talking!!! I am so quiet and unassuming!
My boss is out of town, but she left me a laundry list...things she didn't get done so my work is but aside and now she is calling me and the company car broke down in Tuskegee and I've got to go and try to find a rental car for her. She drives me crazy. TTYL. Love you.
Oh about the cruise...I would love to go, but finances or lack of them keep us from going!!! I hope you have a blast!!!
I hope Beverly is reading this, I will try to post to her when we have the next meeting. We discussed not having an August meeting. Gas is so high, there aren't many of us who have been coming and Sandy and Bill will be in ALASKA!!!! Mostly, I need a break from a some of my responsibilities. We were talking about waiting until Sept. to meet, but we have the room available if we want to meet...let me know what you and Jimmycan do. I did suggest that we take turns for a while with the meetings. Lee said she wouldn't mind taking one and Joe...bless his heart...said send me the info and I will handle one...but I would have to plan it and get it together for him. The talking at the meeting is the easiest part. The figuring out what to talk about and getting the meeting together is the part I wanted help with!! I know, you can't imagine me not having a problem talking!!! I am so quiet and unassuming!
My boss is out of town, but she left me a laundry list...things she didn't get done so my work is but aside and now she is calling me and the company car broke down in Tuskegee and I've got to go and try to find a rental car for her. She drives me crazy. TTYL. Love you.
Oh about the cruise...I would love to go, but finances or lack of them keep us from going!!! I hope you have a blast!!!