What Are Y'all Doin Today???
Hey my friends!!!!! :wave:
What are Y'all up to today? Do you have any special plans??? Are you spending time with family & friends or are you working???
We have been touching up the front bathroom with paint. I've been trying not to eat anything that isn't nailed down ... due to yesterday's 8 steroid injections into my back! I think my next step is to use duct tape on my mouth to seal my lips SHUT!!!! :haha:
In awhile we are running a few errands to Wal-Mart and to the beloved thrift store. WHat are YOUR plans for today???? :shrug:
I haven't done a cotton pickin' thing all day and don't intend to....'cept take care of my little Christian. That's a job in itself, that's for sure, but I ain't done nothing else. I haven't walked out the door of my house 'cept to go to the mailbox this morning. I hope you've had a great day and give your family my love.