Thank You All
Thank You all for the many birthday wishes, cards, e-cards and phone calls yesterday. You made my 50th birthday a day to remember. Now AARP can move on to the next person in line
On another note---please remember my better half--Southern Fisherman--today as he is having rather "unpleasant" test. Bob has an unusual ability to manufacture colon polyps which is a dangerous thing. At last count Dr Mc had cauterized 24 polyps with 6 of those being in a malignant state. Today is a serious appointment as we will find out if he will have to have major surgery to remove that entire section of colon. Please pray that the news will be good for him as he is a cardiac/neurology patient and putting him totally under anesthesia is extremely dangerous.
Good Morning Gwen,
So glad you had a good Birthday!!
You and Bob are in my thoughts and prayers today... I know yall will get good news today.
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ObesityHelp Certified Support Group Leader
(deactivated member)
on 6/16/08 11:00 pm
on 6/16/08 11:00 pm
I'm so glad you had such a good birthday!! You have a great hubby there!! I sure hate that he's going through this problem with polyps. I will certainly keep him in my prayers and will especially pray that he gets a good report today.
You are taking excellent care of him and he's lucky to have you in his life. I'm sure that works both ways.