name origns
I chose mine because as I look over the past years of my life...while I walked in darkness and despair. The Lord kept his hand upon me. Even as I had turned my back upon the Lord and all that I knew to be true. Even then...he Blessed me!
My favorite quotation is something on a coffee mug given to me by Michelle Saxon who visits here on Occasion.
"I'm not where I NEED to be...But THANK God...I'm not where I used to be!"
Iris Shimmer
on 6/15/08 9:29 am
on 6/15/08 9:29 am
If you are one of my dogs you are treated very well..with lots of love and petting and treats. So being treated like a dog is not always bad!! TEEHEE!!
I got my screen name because the Iris is my favorite flower. The shimmer part came in because someone I love very much told me I had a shimmery personality..
I do occasionally change it to suit my moods, especially around the holidays.
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.