Addition to my earlier post!
I actually got the part we needed for $50!
Got it home, put it on the recliner and it works - praise the Lord!
The Lord has blessed me this day!
Now all I have to do is....rearrange the furniture and get every thing set up so then maybe we will be good to go!
thanks for everyone's prayers!
y'all are the bestest!
Lisa and Fish
Hey Lisa!!!
i guess i didn't read the post, or maybe missed, or maybe you didn't even post it.. but what is fish having done that he needs a lift chair.. sorry being nosey, you know how us women are, LOL.
glad to see that you are around again, i had been asking randall at one time where you were, had missed ya!
Love tammy
Hey Sweetie,
Fish is having surgery tomorrow! With my back, I can't lift him so we pulled Mom's lift chair out of storage and I had lost the part that makes the chair actually work!
According to the surgeon, for two to three weeks all he can do is sit, recline and look straight forward. So I was trying to make it as easy as possible on the both of us!
They are removing several disks in his neck, putting new bone in with plates and screws. hopefully this will give him the use of his hand and arm again. If not, then they will doing another surgery to release "the nerve that is entrapped in his elbow" - what ever that means!
So we are believing this first surgery will be enough!
Lord, I hope so! I'm nervous enough now without the thought of going through another one!
I have missed y'all!
And yes, I am back!
Now whether that is good or bad, who knows!
We all know that I some times get in trouble with my "flip attitude"!
Personally, I don't know if it's my "flip attitude" or just my weird sense of humor and folks don't know how to take it.
Living with all these military men and their warped sense of humor - it has rubbed off and some folks just don't know how to take us!
Not that we mean any thing bad....just us, being us!
So sweetie, you aren't being nosey! This is family! And all family want to know what's going on with the other one - even when they don't want to see them too close! LOL!
And second, yes, the nosey in us women always finds a way of coming out! LOL!
Lisa and Fish
Lisa and Fish
Hey Lisa. I'm so glad you got the part for the chair and got it working. Pastor Derek and I past your house around 3:15 and we said a prayer for Fish. I knew ya'll were busy. I told him about the surgery and he asked me where Fish would be. I told him I hadn't asked you. Sorry that I haven't already. Where is he having the surgery? Could I come by the hospital and pray or do something? I just know how miserable one is after surgery. I'd be happy to come sit with you while he is having the surgery. Anything you need, FEEL FREE to ask me! I love you both!
I'm only 15 minutes away my friend!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
![coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper](
![coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper](
Y'all passed at just the right time and said just the right prayers!
I was moving furniture and getting every thing straight so that all I will have to do is put him in the chair when we get home!
No wonder everything moved so easy and seem to come together the first time!
Thanks for those prayers!
He is going to have surgery at Jackson's Hospital.
We will be leaving the house by 4:30 a.m., we have to be there by 5:30 a.m. Fish is suppose to be 1st on the list but Dr. Ryan isn't exactly for sure what time we will be getting started.
Sam is coming after she drops Aiden at the sitters at 7 a.m.
Ellen aka Shirley said that she's also coming.
But Lord, yes, honey - you can come pray with us, hold my hand, keep me from going insane!
I'm a nervous wreck! I think I'm more nervous than he is!
Well, I've got to run to Walmart in a sec., some last minute things I forgot.
Will check the board when I get back!
Love you!
Lisa and Fish
Lisa and Fish