The OLD Elle is back!
Gail, oh my....YOU MUST find a Barnes and Noble and try one of those pretzels. Just imagine this.......a huge soft pretzel "stuffed" with feta cheese and spinach. mmmmmmmmm, incredible!!! You gotta have one. Even Christian ate a few bite and loved it. hee hee!!! ---------Thank you for caring for me. I care for all of you here too. Thanks for letting me &**(&A@# and complain when I need to or just FEEL like it.-----------As for Christian, I am supposed to keep him all summer while Holly works. She starts to work Monday. I was hoping she'd stay home with Christian for awhile longer. Since his Daddy never paid a penny child support or anything for the baby, I think he OWES HOLLY. He's working, they are going to be living with HIS parents, I think he owes her some time with their child. She starts nursing school in the fall and will have to place him in daycare at that time. I hate the fact that he will have to go to daycare. It breaks my heart, but I can't afford to quit work and keep him. I just wish I could. Holly is a great little Mother and I'm SO PROUD of her. Love you too.------- Loretta (aka Elle) or whatever you want to call me. Just call me SOMETHING! LOL
LIVE Like You Were DYING
Love Deeper * Speak Sweeter * Give Forgiveness
5 Years Post Op