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on 2/8/13 3:26 am - Sheridan, WY

Hello Fellow Wyomingites,  I don't even know if that is considered a word.  LOL.  All is well in Northeastern Wyoming.  We have survived another "winter storm/blizzard" in which I had to learn just how "out of shape" I am by digging my car out of 18 inches of snow--and I drive a VW Bug.  Thank goodness I didn't have to dig out around a full-size car.  And also thank goodness my BUG gets around in the snow better than most 4-wheel drives.

It's a difficult time of year for those of us who must enjoy the outdoors from our living room picture window as opposed to actually being out there walking, hiking, camping, gardening, etc.  I could go to the gym, but I don't know of any that are truly FREE and my financial situation at the moment does not include gym membership.  I have put on weight, especially over the past few months due to major stress in my life.  The "Art of Grazing" should be a best-selling novel since it is already a cardinal sin to those of us who have undergone gastric bypass surgery.  I lie in bed every single night and vow that tomorrow will be different.  How many of you do the same thing?  I will just start over with the basic fundamentals I learned right after surgery.  I will eat 5 small meals per day, I will exercise for at least 15 minutes each day, I will write/journal/blog my frustrations, I will read something inspirational, I will learn to BE HAPPY and JUST LIVE MY LIFE.  Yet, every morning when I wake, I trudge to the coffee pot and start the day out with a caffeine buzz.  I eat cheese and crackers--just one small package is all I can stand.  I watch the birds and the turkeys and/or deer frolic over the frozen tundra that used to be my backyard.  Then I sit down to check the daily news and read my email.  All of this is over in less than 2 hours and I'm left with deciding how to spend the rest of my day.  I get out the Yoga mat and do a few stretches just to keep myself limber.  I could go all out and get out my Tara Stiles DVD and do an actual Yaga routine, but I'd hate to deter from my mundane daily routine of feeling sorry for myself and wishing the fat or the number on the scale would just magically go down by itself.

It has been 5 years since my gastric bypass surgery and although I did lose 120 pounds in my first year post op, I have gained 35 pounds of that back and I just can't work up the ambition to do something about it.  I lead the Weight Loss Surgery Support Group in Sheridan on the first Monday of every month.  I read and research every month for a program to present to my attendees, and it is always spectacular.  I am not a good public speaker due to short term memory problems that stem from a brain injury years ago--I cannot remember the details that I want to talk about.  And then there is the self-image problems that I experience from weight gain.  Who wants to attend a meeting led by a woman that cannot even keep her own program going?  I have shed tears over this negative thinking and have vowed to just stop and smell the roses.  Mostly I just keep on keeping on.  What more can I say?


Gina Stephens

Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

on 1/21/13 7:16 am - Sheridan, WY
Topic: February Meeting Notice--Sheridan



WHEN: Monday -- February 4, 2013 -- 7 PM


WHERE: Sheridan Memorial Hospital Cafeteria -- Use rear basement entrance


TOPIC: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!! Let’s talk about SUGAR and artificial sweeteners and what they do to our



CONTACT: Gina Stephens 307-655-5329 OR 307-752-5754


I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at our meeting this month. As usual I will have wonderful handouts on sugar and artificial sweeteners. I also have strategy guides for overcoming sugar cravings. I also have copies of the latest edition of OH MAGAZINE to share.

Gina Stephens

Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

on 1/21/13 7:13 am - Sheridan, WY
Topic: Happy New Year

Our January meeting here in Sheridan highlighting "Just Start Over" based upon the strategies you already know.  In other words, throw out those New Year's resolutions and just start over.  If you've put weight back on---this is for you.  I would be happy to share a written copy of my program and handouts to anyone interested.  You may contact me by leaving a personal message on my blog, or call me at 307-655-5329.  Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Gina Stephens

Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

Tammy C.
on 1/2/13 9:22 am
Topic: 2013: 20 Funny New Year's Resolutions

2013:  20 Funny New Year's Resolutions

When it comes to New Year's resolutions, our family members and friends can get quite creative and even funny with what they resolve to do in the New Year.  Here a few good ones I have heard along the way...Oh, and a few of my own!

1.  I resolve to stop procrastinating about procrastinating!

2.  I will stop sending Facebook messages and emails to my loved ones when they are in the same room as I am!

3.  I will use my treadmill for something other than a place to hang my jacket.

4.  I will not sit at the kitchen table in my PJ's all day.  Instead, I will move my computer to my bedroom.

5.  I vow to never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night!

Click here to read more!

All my best, 

Tammy Colter
Director of Media & PR
OH Magazine
on 11/11/12 1:59 am - Sheridan, WY
Topic: Thanksgiving in less than 2 weeks. Yeowww!

Thanksgiving is the first of the EATING holidays of winter celebrations.  I can't believe it is less than 2 weeks away.  I have decided that the best route for me is "being a guest."  I have been invited to spend the holiday with an old girlfriend and her husband and I've decided to take them up on it.  This means that my family:  my two sons, their spouses, and children will have to fend for themselves for the first time EVER.  Mom/Grandma won't be available to do all the cooking and clean-up--including all the meal planning  and grocery shopping.  This LESS STRESS approach will be new and different for me, but I am looking forward to it. And I think it will allow me to enjoy the meal and the celebration more than I have in years.  I have heard some "not very nice" words about my decision and I'm a little upset about that, but I think this is the right choice for me and I'm proud to be posting that I AM MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR ME for the first time in a very long while.  Stay tuned and I will let you know how it all worked out.  In the meantime, I pray that everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving celebration and don't forget to GIVE THANKS for the good things in life--be it people, possessions, or even cir****tances.  Gina

Gina Stephens

Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

on 11/5/12 6:44 pm - Sheridan, WY
Topic: Sheridan November Meeting

Wanted to let everyone know that you were greatly missed if you were not at our meeting last night.  We had a cozy little group of 4 and we all shared a little bit of ourselves—the trials and tribulations of WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY in general and how it affects the upcoming holiday season of EATING at family celebrations.  I had some nice handouts—and will be happy to share with anyone who sends me a note requesting them.  I recently discovered—as I prepared to make more copies—that the “handbook” I created for each of our members is SERIOUSLY “out-dated” already, so I am in the process of updating everything and I will be printing/creating NEW books for each member that comes to future meetings.  I should have them ready to distribute at the December meeting.  And last but not least (LOL):  At the December meeting, I am requesting a little “trick or treat”  --- I want everyone to either bring a Holiday treat to share:  either something edible AND/OR your favorite holiday story/memory—it can be funny or heartwarming, whichever BEST memory you would like to share.  I haven’t exactly decided on “my program” for the next meeting, but I’m sure it will involve Holiday eating and stress.  I will announce it within the next couple weeks.  Again, if you were not present last night----you were missed and I hope and pray to see you at our next meeting.  We have so much to be grateful for as we head into the WINTER HOLIDAY SEASON with the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.

Gina Stephens

Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

on 11/3/12 8:13 am - Sheridan, WY
Topic: Gillette Weight Loss Surgery Individuals PLEASE READ

It has come to my attention that there is no longer a support group available in the Gillette area.  I invite any individuals who have had any type of weight loss surgery or those who are interested in having weight loss surgery to come to our meetings in Sheridan OR to CALL ME with any questions/difficulties you might be having.  I would so love to help you.  I am attaching our meeting notice below and I hope to see you there.  FYI:  I am a certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader plus I am studying to become a Health/Nutrition Coach.  I had the Roux-en-Y bypass surgery done in January 2007.  I initially lost 128 pounds (in my first year.)   Unfortunately I am struggling with weight regain like many of our members due to the fact that I have mastered the art of grazing.  I need your help and support as much as you need mine.


WHEN: Monday -- November 5, 2012 -- 7 PM

WHERE: Sheridan Memorial Hospital Cafeteria -- Use rear basement entrance

TOPIC: With the holiday season fast approaching I feel we all need to address strategies to get through those huge Holiday feasts as well as all the baking everyone seems to do at this festive time of year. I have a presentation on HOLIDAY STRESS and loving yourself no matter what choices you make.

CONTACT: Gina Stephens 307-655-5329 OR 307-752-5754

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at our meeting this month. As usual I will have wonderful handouts available of low calorie recipes for Thanksgiving Dinner, as well as new thoughts regarding the new “natural no calorie” sweeteners, dieting tips, and exerts from Louise Hays’ Heal Your Life Workbook


Gina Stephens

Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

on 11/3/12 8:00 am - Sheridan, WY
Topic: Sheridan Weight Loss Surgery Support Group


WHEN: Monday -- November 5, 2012 -- 7 PM

WHERE: Sheridan Memorial Hospital Cafeteria -- Use rear basement entrance

TOPIC: With the holiday season fast approaching I feel we all need to address strategies to get through those huge Holiday feasts as well as all the baking everyone seems to do at this festive time of year. I have a presentation on HOLIDAY STRESS and loving yourself no matter what choices you make.

CONTACT: Gina Stephens 307-655-5329 OR 307-752-5754    Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at our meeting this month. As usual I will have wonderful handouts available of low calorie recipes for Thanksgiving Dinner, as well as new thoughts regarding the new “natural no calorie” sweeteners, dieting tips, and exerts from Louise Hays’ Heal Your Life Workbook

Gina Stephens

Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

Member Services
on 9/14/12 11:33 am - Irvine, CA
Topic: Meet Our Speakers: Ask The Experts!
                       Save the dates: October 5th and 6th!

Come to Atlanta, GA and ask our panel of experts the questions you want answers to!  If you are unable to atend the event, email your questions to:  [email protected] and we will ask the experts to answer your questions and then we will post them on the message boards after the OH event!

Click here to reserve your tickets today!  We hope to see you there!

Mixed Q & A Panel, 
Grads & Professionals

Friday  2:00pm - 4:30pm

Dr.  Paul E. Macik

Performing operations laparoscopically since 1991.  His practice offers Gastric Bypass, LapBand and Sleeve Gastrectomy options.  Also an Instructor for Quarterly In-Service Program of Bariatric Surgery at Emory Dunwoody Medical Center and Northside Hospital.

Jim Blackburn

Jim lost 215 pounds and found a love for running.  With 58,038 Race finishers at an avg time of 01:17:35, Jim finished the 2012 Peachtree Road Race (10k) in 1:07:57, a goal he's worked towards since having Gastric Bypass.

Dr.  Michael Williams 

Dr. Williams principal clinical and research interest include minimally invasive techniques, and the surgical therapy of morbid obesity.  He has been involved in training surgeons in laparocopic techniques in the United States and the Caribbean.  

Beth Sheldon-Badore

Blogger, & Founder of Bariatric Bad Girls. "Melting Mama" as she's known through her blog has been blogging about life since her WLS in 2004.  Her witty, honest approach to life after WLS has inspired and supported thousands.

Dr. Sheldon Lincenberg

Double-board certified, plastic and reconstructive surgeon and a board-certified general surgeon.  In 1995, he created and began sponsoring Pink Ribbons, an annual October event during Breast Cancer Month to benefit breast cancer organizations.

 Courtney aka tripmom02

An active OH member for 5 years and a frequent poster on the VSG forum! She's bringing her post-op experience as a Lap Band to VSG Revision. Courtney has lost 170 lbs and is training for her 1st half marathon in October. Her goal is to complete an Iron Man in 2014!

Professional Q & A Panel

Saturday  10:30am - 11:55am

Scott Steinberg, MD

Fellow-ship trained advanced laparoscopic surgeon. A member of the American College of Surgeons and the ASMBS. 

Qammar Rashid, MD

Fellow-ship trained in Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery.  A large part of her practice is breast and bariatric surgery.    

Dr. Dennis C. Smith  

The 3rd surgeon in the world to perform the totally laparoscopic DS and the 1st bariatric surgeon in the world to present the Hand-Sewn Duedenal-Ileal Anastomosis technique. 

Connie Stapleton, Ph.D

Dr. Stapleton is a licensed clinical psychologist, received her doctorol degree from Texas A&M University in Counseling Psychology.  

Donna DeMild, LPBLC

Post-Op and CEO of BodySmart, LLC. Donna works at NJ Bariatrics and is a licensed bariatric life coach. Her focus is lifestyle change after wls.   

Jeremy Gentles

A Ph.D Candidate in Sport Science at East Tennessee State University and for a number of years, served as ObesityHelp's Exercise Physiologist. 

Shravan Panyam
on 9/13/12 12:37 pm - Irvine, CA
Topic: Announcing Forum Upgrades!

Its been over six years since we've launched our forums. During this time it has seen thousands of fresh faces, greetings, meetings, partings, arguments, kind words, life transformations, cathartic rants, and simply happy time pass. It has been with us throughout this time, silently observing and facilitating. But like any wise old man, its bones were getting old. Its joints were aching, and it has been needing a new jolt of energy.

A Mobile World
Did you know that over 30% of you visit our website using a mobile device? For those who do visit us via mobile, we owe you a sincere apology, because our forums have been horrendous on a mobile browser. But the big news is that things are about to change! Our new forums are completely mobile friendly and compatible with iPhone, Android, and pretty much any other modern smart phone.

Each post, topic, and forum shows up beautifully, with the full set of features, and in nice large font. See the screenshots for yourself.

You dont have do anything different, just browse to the forums like you normally would. This means that you can finally put these away:

Not Just for Mobile
The interface on your desktop browser has also been cleaned up a great deal. There is now less clutter on the page, and the overall experience is a lot cleaner. Check out some more screenshots here!

You will notice that each post no longer has 400 buttons below it. Only the buttons that are relevant to each post show up, making your screen space a lot less cluttered. Also, when you reply to another person's post, the entire post is indented inside, making it a lot easier to figure out who has replied to whom.

Launching soon! Maybe as early as next week! Maybe.
And do remember that this is not in any way a be-all-end-all when it comes to the forums. We are in the process of constantly learning and improving upon what we have, and this is just one step along the way.

Stay tuned for the changes! We look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.

ObesityHelp Developer

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