February 20, 2013

on 2/20/13 12:48 pm - Sheridan, WY

I went to the doctor yesterday for a dizziness problem.  I used their scale to weigh myself.  I almost cried/died/whatever.  I'm embarrassed to say how much weight I have gained since the last time I weighed.  OMG  I am now at 70 pounds below my pre-surgery weight.  And I originally lost 120 pounds.  That is a 50 pound weight gain over the past couple years.  And I have been on here preaching about JUST START OVER and I have done so.  I would think that the weight would be melting off like it did right after my surgery 5 years ago.  Apparently it doesn't work that way 5 years later.  New plan is needed I guess.  I have done some research on nutrition and keeping up the protein intake and supplements.  I feel good--actually I feel great--so I would think that I am getting everything I need. This has to be an exercise issue.  Unfortunately Wyoming's winters do not allow for much outdoor activity and a gym membership is just in the budget right now.  What am I to do.?  I drag the Yoga mat out nearly everyday for stretches and workouts to help keep me limber and firm, but Yoga does not burn many calories nor does it kick-start your metabolism to burn more calories.  I have been thru hell in my personal life for the last 2-1/2 months.  Needless to say, I have been battling some serious depression.  I have a doctor who has prescribed medications to combat this mood thing and it seems to be working because I feel good.  I wonder if any of these medications can cause weight gain.  Guess I should do some more research.  And to change the subject, I still haven't decided on a program for the March meeting of our support group.  I feel I have hit upon some issues that many people experience after surgery--especially a few years out.  I think I should focus on Weight Gain After Surgery.  Good idea---stay tuned for the results of my research and the NEW PLAN I need to develop to get this weight off again.  I new I had gained weight because the pants I wore last winter no longer fit me.  But I had no idea it was 50 pounds.  I think I'm depressed all over again.  I'm not sure anyone ever reads my posts, but if you are out there and you have any helpful suggestions I AM OPEN to hearing them  I would love to see more Wyomingites posting to this forum.  I think I am the only one doing regular posts.  Until next time, ya'll take care and I will have good news next time, I promise.


Gina Stephens

Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

Jennifer M.
on 2/21/13 6:28 am - Casper, WY

I look at the Wyoming board once in a while, but it is pretty dead.  Sounds like you have your head in the game for getting back on track.  I know it is SOOOOO much harder to lose re-gain than when we originally lost the weight.  I lost 150lbs, re-gained 40 and now have lost 10 of that.  It is an every day struggle to make good food choices, get plenty of fluids, take all the vitamins and forget exercise at this point since I am working 50-55 hrs a week and still have a hubby, kids and grandkids to take care of.

Hang in there, stay strong and take one day at a time, heck, even one hour at a time if you have too.

on 3/12/13 4:51 am - Sheridan, WY

Jennifer,  So sorry it has taken so long to respond--sheer hell in my life the past few months.  I appreciate your encouragement--THANK YOU.  How long ago did you have your surgery?  And where did you go?  I had mine January 2007 in Ft Collins.  I lead the support group here in Sheridan and blogging on one of Obesity Help's boards is now required at least 6 times per month.  I'm not much of a blogger, but I'm trying to be better.  I can answer just about any question asked of me about surgery/after surgery--but trying to figure out something to blog totally escapes me.  Do you attend support group meetings in Casper?  I would love to keep in touch if you are interested.  Thanks again for your support!!  Gina

Gina Stephens

Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader

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