Spring Fever!!!!!!!
I can't hardly wait for Spring!!!! Though, I can't complain... Just emailed my doc's secretary... They are still fighting a buttload of snow... Sheesh, I have flowers and tomato plants started inside already lol. I thought since I have never had a hobby that didn't include eating, drinking, or sitting on my lazy rump, I'd try something outside lol. We'll see how good of a gardener I am.... Yipes lol My poor husband, lol.
Just wanted to say HELLOOOOO WYOMINGG!!!!!! WE ARE SURVIVORS!!!!!
Hey Frankie!
I have it toooooo! Last weekend we burned all of the ditches and reworked the garden. We set up the tramp and my house is staying cleaner since the kids are outside! I have so much freaking energy!!!! My husband came home sick (he's only home on the weekends) so I'm going crazy wanting to get things done...
Off to check on my crock pot.. I'm attempting fat free refried beans for the first time. Wish me luck!
Jamie in Wyoming
Hi Jamie,
How are you feeling since your surgery? How long did it take you to get the wind back in your sails lol. I am going to Denver to have my surgery the 28th. Any advice lol.
Gotta Go... I'm sposed to be working lol, I just don't wanna!!!
Have a great Saturday.

~~ To Thine Own Self Be True~~

~~ To Thine Own Self Be True~~
I'm feeling GRRRRRREAT! I had surgery on a Tuesday evening, drove my oldest to Billings that Friday and was back to work the following Monday. I was tired but fine other than that. I'm so excited that you already have a date! I'm heading back out to work on the yard, we bought this place last summer and never got the pond put in so I am going to tackle it this spring! Have fun at work! he he
Jamie in Wyoming